Cured by Pleasure Read online

Page 3

  And she had. Jacquie had taught them how to share, how to pleasure, and even when she’d moved on, they’d continued to share. Every woman they found who was willing to try, they shared. Some stayed for a while, some only for the night. But none had stuck permanently. Spencer wondered if one ever would.

  “What a way to be corrupted,” Beck stated with a contented sigh.

  They all stood there in silence. Spencer didn’t know if they were remembering the past or thinking of the future. For him, it didn’t matter how they’d gotten on this path. They were on it, didn’t plan to change it, and that was fine with him. He’d discovered he liked watching his woman with his best friends. He had no doubt Asher and Beck felt the same. Take it or leave it, that was them, and more than one woman had taken and found her first orgasm with them.

  “Thirty minutes, Beck,” he prompted, looking at the clock on the wall.

  “I’ll get her to stay,” Beck grunted as he pulled the door open and stepped out.

  “I hope so,” Asher said, and Spencer nodded his agreement.

  Yes or no. They’d have their answer very soon.

  Chapter Three

  Deja did her best to contain her laughter as Beck informed her he’d accidently shredded her paperwork and needed her to stick around to fill it out again. She knew what he was up to. She’d stood at the door, eavesdropping until one of the nurses had stepped around the corner. She’d heard enough of their conversation to realize they planned to seduce her. She couldn’t wait to see them in action. Her panties might just catch fire.

  “Thanks for being such a good sport, Deja,” Beck said as he pulled the chair out and put a folder of papers in front of her. She could have reminded him he could send any papers they might need to her employer, but where was the fun in that?

  “No problem, Beck,” she assured him. “I’ll just fill these out real quick before I head out.”

  “Big plans tonight?”

  She did laugh then. For a moment, she thought of telling him yes just to see what he’d do. But she didn’t. She planned to let them seduce her, but she wasn’t going to make it seem too easy. Men appreciated what they had to work for more than what just landed in their laps. She’d learned that lesson loud and clear in her last two attempts at a relationship.

  They’d been okay guys, but she’d been too eager, too willing to jump when they said. She’d cancel plans when they made a last minute call, instead of telling them no. And both Skye and Melda had called her on it more than once. She’d never do that again. Not for any man. Skye had been right when she’d said sometimes it was all about the chase. Skye should know. She’d had Rance panting after her for years now. When he wasn’t off somewhere with his job at the Federal Bureau of Investigations, he was sniffing around Skye.

  Besides, she’d decided maybe she just wasn’t cut out for a relationship. Sex was a totally different matter. She wanted sex, craved it. And Melda was right. Here was a chance to make her ultimate sexual fantasy come true. Opportunity didn’t usually knock twice. She planned to make the most of this one.

  Please let all the rumors be true!

  “Deja?” Beck broke into her thoughts.

  She glanced up at him and noticed the concern in his eyes. He was worried she might have other plans. She had plans all right, but he played one of the three leads in them.

  “It’s no problem. My only plans were to change and head out somewhere for dinner. I’m famished.” She smiled at him, flicking her tongue out to wet her lips. She was famished for him. For Spencer and Asher. She wanted to lick them from head to toe, stopping and paying extra attention to all the really great parts of them.

  “Meeting anyone or going solo?”

  “Solo,” she offered, then lifted her brow as if the idea had only just occurred to her. “Unless you’d like to join me?”

  He cleared his throat, and she watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “Well…”

  “As long as you don’t mind three men for dinner?” Asher answered as he entered the conference room.

  Three men for dinner. She had no problem letting her imagination go there. Them taking turns eating her pussy while she sucked their cocks. Holy fuck! She could feel her juices coating her labia and soaking into her panties.

  “My three favorite doctors?”

  Asher grinned and nodded before leaning back against the table beside her. “I was just telling Spencer to hurry up, so we could grab a bite. No sense in you eating all by yourself.”

  “I’d love to have dinner with you,” she almost purred her agreement. “But I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.”

  “Whose toes are you worried about?” Beck asked.

  “Well, some women tend to be possessive, even over things like an innocent dinner.”

  Oh, she really hoped it wasn’t an innocent dinner.

  “None of us are seeing anyone at the moment, Deja,” Asher assured her. “In fact, you’ll have us all to yourself if you agree to dinner.”

  She couldn’t prevent the way her nipples tightened at his words and pressed against her top. And she didn’t bat an eyelash when both of them dropped their gazes to notice. She gave Asher credit for only taking a glimpse before moving his gaze right back to her eyes. He shifted beside her, and she wondered if his cock was hard.

  “I’d love to have dinner with all of you,” she answered.

  Beck reached down and scooped the folder and papers up. “Why don’t we just take this with us for you to do later? I’d never risk delaying a famished woman.”

  She grinned, just couldn’t help it. Hell, the verbal foreplay with them was better than the entire three months she’d spent with the last guy she’d dated. And she used the term dated loosely. Mostly they’d just had sex, when he wanted. He hadn’t even been that good. But once she had sex she became a needy bitch, wanting it as often as she could get it. Three men should more than satisfy her.

  “Well, then,” she said as she pushed back from the table and stood up. “Why don’t you take me and,” she let her gaze dip to the floor, “feed me.” She lifted her gaze back to his and held her breath at the flush of lust on his face. Beck wanted her.

  She let her gaze slide over to Asher. He stood up and his lab coat shifted for just a moment, revealing the unmistakable bulge of a hard cock. It looked like more than a mouthful. There was no doubt he wanted her as well. Two down. Or up, she thought wickedly.

  “You can ride with me,” Spencer spoke from the door, pulling her attention to him.

  He stood tall and proud, not even attempting to hide the hard length of his cock clearly visible in his slacks.

  Had he said ride with him or ride him? She nodded her head in agreement with either, both. Please, both.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Asher said as she walked toward Spencer.

  She was hungry.

  “Starving,” she assured them, taking the hand Spencer held out to her. “Absolutely starving.”

  * * * *

  Asher watched her leave the room and did his best to control his breathing. He was wound up like a child’s toy. All he needed was her touch, and he’d go off like a rocket. And he wasn’t so sure it would matter where she touched him.

  “Let me grab my briefcase real quick,” Beck said and disappeared out the door.

  Asher nodded and headed back to his office to collect the myriad of crap he always had to take home from the office. He liked being a doctor, loved seeing his patients, but he had never been one to deal with the bureaucracy of having his own practice. Thank God, Spencer took care of most of that. Beck dealt with the pharmaceutical reps, who came in at a constant flow. And Asher handled the office staff and payroll. It played to all their strengths and suited them perfectly.

  Just as their sex life did. Spencer could blame it on fate, Jacquie, or whatever, but Asher knew beyond a doubt that none of them would ever be able to just walk away from the pleasure they’d discovered in sharing a woman. Hell, they had it down to an art now. Each of
them knew the others’ moves almost as well as their own. Asher knew Spencer was an ass man, just as both Spencer and Beck knew he was a tit man. Give him a nice full rack any time. While Beck was all about the pussy. Asher had seen Beck go down on a woman and bring her to orgasm after orgasm with just his tongue.

  Asher liked pussy and didn’t mind eating it. But he didn’t have the appetite of Beck. Just like he knew his dick would find release in an ass every now and then, but that wasn’t his preference. He wanted his partner in a position where he could have full access to her breasts. He had no problem fantasizing about how he wanted to take Deja. Lord knew he’d jacked off to the image for almost a month now.

  She was straddling his lap in his dreams. She had one of his silk blindfolds tied over her eyes, and her hands bound behind her back. His cock was buried in her wet, tight heat. He had one hand on her hip, and the other wrapped around to hold her bindings. That way he could make her arch just the way her wanted her too, which was with her nipples lifted toward his mouth, swollen and ready for the hard suction he wanted to give them.

  His cock throbbed, and he grit his teeth against the ache in his balls. This would be the longest dinner of his life.

  “Ready?” Beck asked from the door.

  They usually all carpooled together, but Spencer had gone to an early meeting this morning, so he'd driven separately. Otherwise, they’d all be in a car with Deja right now.

  “My dick is throbbing like an open wound,” Beck muttered as they headed out.

  “Yeah,” Asher agreed.

  “Have to admit I was surprised when Spencer asked her to ride with him,” Beck said.

  Asher had been a little surprised as well. Hell, he’d barely talked her into dinner, before Spencer whisked her away. Even with all the innuendos that had filled the conversation with Deja, they weren’t guaranteed she wanted anything more than dinner. He wasn’t sure he’d survive if all she wanted was food. His cock needed a break from his hands, neither of which was a stranger at this point.

  “He’s as taken with her as we are,” Asher spoke up. “I don’t think we’ve all been this on board for the same woman…” He paused to consider.

  “Ever,” Beck interjected. “We’ve never been this worked up from the beginning. Usually it’s one of us convincing the others. Even Jacquie had been with Spencer before taking on all of us. Deja will be the first one we’ve all seduced together.”

  Asher nodded in agreement. Did that mean something? Other than the fact they’d all been working too much, which had led to a long dry spell? No wonder they were all eager.

  “Do we need to pick anything up on the way home?”

  “I heard her tell Mags about this wine she loves and drinks with her sisters,” Beck answered. “We could stop and get some of it. Maybe grab something for dessert.”

  “Like you’re not hoping to be eating her pussy for your dessert,” Asher said with a snicker.

  “God, yes,” Beck moaned. “My mouth is already watering in anticipation. Maybe I should grab my favorite toppings. Honey, caramel syrup, and a can of whipped topping. Make my own little pussy sundae.”

  Now Asher’s mouth was watering as well. Beck had a way of making pussy sound like the greatest treat a man could ever eat.

  “I’ve always been more of a chocolate man.”

  Beck laughed and slapped him on the back. “Chocolate syrup is good, too.”

  “I wonder what her favorite flavor is?” Asher pondered.

  Beck groaned as they both reached the car. “I’ll be buying one of everything I can think of if you get the thought of her sucking my dick stuck in my mind.”

  “You mean it hasn’t been?” Asher scoffed.

  “Oh, it’s been up here,” Beck tapped his forehead, “multiple times. But if I go letting those thoughts get stuck up here right now, I’ll be blowing my load like a virgin with his first girl. It’ll be fast and furious. Me fast, and her furious.”

  Asher threw his head back and laughed. “Luckily, she’ll have Spencer and me to pick up the slack.”

  “I have other skills to make up for being too quick on the trigger,” Beck bragged and made a kissing noise.

  Asher’s phone buzzed in his pocket, and he fished it out. He read the screen and snorted. “No time for a store run,” he told Beck. “Spencer’s calling in reinforcements.”

  “What’s it say?”

  “Here. Riding the edge. Hurry,” Asher read.

  “There’s a liquor store on the way. I’ll grab the wine there,” Beck offered. “Tell him to hang tight and start cooking.”

  Asher grinned and fired back the message. “He’s going to kill us.”

  “She messes with his control,” Beck said. “It’s one of the things I like most about her. I see him watching her when he thinks no one is looking. I swear I saw his hands shake when she bent over in front of him one day. Like it was taking all he had to keep from reaching out and grabbing her.”

  “She does have one fine ass,” Asher concurred.

  “He’s never lost control,” Beck said with a shake of his head.

  Asher thought for a moment. Beck was right. With all their shared encounters, Spencer had always been the one in control, watching before joining in. Even that first night, Spencer had watched while Jacquie had sucked Asher’s cock then Beck’s, before he’d joined them. “Son of a bitch,” Asher exclaimed. “I never paid attention, but you’re right. He holds back, maintains his control.”

  “I don’t think he’ll be able to with Deja.” Beck snickered with glee. “I think he’s finally met his match in her.”

  Asher was hoping they all had. Whether Beck and Spencer realized it or not, they were all getting tired of playing the game. That was why they hadn’t shared a woman in the past seven months. They were all searching for something more than great sex, someone who wanted more than a casual bump and grind. They needed a woman who would be willing to stick around.

  He’d used his smooth talking to really get to know Deja. He couldn’t shake the feeling she might be the one to change things for them. He swore he’d seen the need on Deja’s face when Mags talked about her husband and kids. His only fear was that Deja might not want three men in her life, at least not for more than a night or two. And that’s all it would be if she wasn’t willing to take them all. They’d already agreed. All or none. He really hoped she decided to take all.

  Chapter Four

  Deja smiled at Spencer. If she didn’t know how confident he was, she’d swear he was nervous. His eyes were darting around the room, looking at everything but her. He was playing with his keys, and they were still standing just inside the door of the apartment he’d taken her to. Was it possible she made him nervous?

  He glanced at his phone again, and she swore she saw him flinch at whatever it displayed.

  “Everything okay?”

  He grunted and finally moved into the loft, dropping his phone and keys onto a table. “Asher and Beck are stopping to pick up some wine,” he said as he continued walking.

  She didn’t wait for him to invite her to follow. She didn’t think his mind was on pleasantries. For some reason, being alone with her seemed to unnerve him. Wasn’t that interesting?

  She’d chatted the whole way over in the car, while he’d just nodded and only answered when prompted. She’d asked where they were having dinner and never batted an eyelash when he’d simply stated, “The loft.” She’d expected some trendy new restaurant. But looking around, watching Spencer move toward what was obviously the kitchen gave her a better clue.

  “This is where we’re eating?” He hadn’t answered her last question, so she just threw out another one.

  “If that’s okay with you?” He looked uncertain again, and she really hated that look on him.

  “Something already smells wonderful,” she admitted with an easy smile.

  “Our housekeeper comes on Fridays,” he offered, pulling stuff out of the fridge. “She always cooks something before she leaves.
Today it’s lasagna. I can tell you she makes the best I’ve ever eaten.”

  “Are you planning a salad to go with it?” She let her glance slide to the head of lettuce and other veggies he was setting out.


  Deja couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What?” He gave her a funny look, which only had her giggling harder. “Care to share the humor?”

  “You.” She finally managed. She moved toward him, trapping him against the counter, which was saying something since he was about seven inches taller than her. “Since when do I make you nervous?”

  He leaned against the counter, his hands gripping the edge. He met her eyes, and in a flash had their positions reversed. She didn’t hold back the startled yelp.

  “Since you walked into the office three weeks ago.” He grabbed her waist and lifted until she sat on the counter. “I’m not the smoothest talker; that’s Asher. I’m not the one to set people at ease with a quick smile and some easy jokes or teasing. That’s Beck. I’m the serious one.”

  “And you’re also the one who asked me to ride with you.”

  He nodded. “I did. You make me want things.”

  She watched his expression and prompted him, when he didn’t continue. “What sort of things?”

  He shook his head, moving away from her, and only when his back was to her did he answer. “Things I have no right wanting.”

  “Everyone wants things,” she assured him. “It’s human nature.”

  “Most humans don’t have as perverted a nature as I do.”

  “Is this about those rumors I’ve heard about you, Asher, and Beck?”

  He turned with a sigh. “Maybe you should go.”

  “Losing your nerve?” She questioned, hopping down and moving to him. She stopped in front of him and lifted her hands to rest on his broad chest. “Why don’t you ask me?”

  “What…?” She watched his Adam’s apple bob.

  “Ask me if I’m interested, Spencer. Ask me what went through my mind when I heard the rumors of you and Asher and Beck all sharing a woman.”