Cured by Pleasure Read online

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  They’d all grown so much over the years, but one thing remained. They were still as close now as they’d been then. It didn’t matter that each had come from a different set of biological parents. They were sisters, if not by blood then by spirit. And they shared everything. No secrets, at least not lasting ones. Inevitably they couldn’t keep things from their sisters, good or bad. And Deja wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Drive safe,” she stated as Melda and Skye headed out the door.

  “Skye will,” Melda stated with a laugh, as she reached out to squeeze Deja’s hand. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Deja squeezed back. “You too,” she added to Skye.

  “Love you,” Skye replied. “Hope tomorrow goes well for you. Call me.”

  “Unless you’re too busy getting some,” Melda laughed as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

  “In that case call me Saturday,” Skye offered with a grin.

  “I will,” Deja promised.

  She watched them walk down the hall toward the elevator before closing her apartment door. She was already planning just the outfit to wear for her last day tomorrow. Her skirt could easily transition from day to night with a change of top and shoes. It was classy and sexy without being slutty. It was perfect.

  She hummed as she headed to the kitchen to clean up the Chinese take-out they’d had tonight. She wasn’t sure which one of the doctors she’d pick if she had her choice. They were all sexy as hell.

  Dr. Asher Black, who was six feet of muscled bronze god without the ego, always laughed and joked with the staff as well as the patients. His black hair just hit his collar, his blue eyes so bright they rivaled a perfect sky. Though she’d only met him for the first time three weeks ago, he had a way of making her feel as if they were old friends every time he spoke to her.

  Then there was Dr. Beckett Meyers. Beck as he told her to call him. He was just a bit taller than Asher, leaner in build, but no less gorgeous. His brown hair was a little too long, making her fingers ache to run through the thick strands and see if it felt as good as it looked. His green eyes were always full of mischief. He was the practical joker of the office, always doing things to the other two. He’d even pulled Deja into one of his pranks the first week, when he’d told Asher she was from an online dating site then sent her to Asher’s office under the guise that Dr. Black needed her help.

  She’d been polite, smiled, and asked what she could do for him. Asher had flushed bright red and stammered as he tried to explain that he hadn’t posted an ad, and although she was very beautiful, he felt the need to be honest with her. At that point, Deja was ready to call the temp office and see if she’d been sent to the wrong place.

  She wasn’t sure who blushed more when Beckett had burst into the office, laughing so hard he was holding his sides. And that was when she’d got her fist look at Dr. Spencer Smith, who’d been out her first day. He’d ducked his head in to see what all the laughter was about, and when he’d glimpsed her, all of him had stepped in the office.

  His brown eyes had twinkled as Beckett filled him in on the prank.

  “And she hasn’t smacked you yet?” Spencer asked with a shake of his head.

  “Our girl’s a trooper,” Beckett assured him, reaching out and pulling Deja to his side.

  “Seriously, we’ll understand if you want to hit him,” Asher had interjected. “Believe me, I do.” And saying that, he’d reached across her and punched Beckett in the shoulder.

  “You’re just mad because she’s staff and not dateable,” Beckett said around his laughter.

  She swore Asher had blushed, but Spencer had pulled her attention to him then.

  “So, are you Stacy’s replacement for the next few weeks?”

  “Yes. I hear she’s getting married and going on one hell of a honeymoon.”

  “Well deserved,” Spencer assured her. “She’s a great kid.” He had let his eyes run over Deja from head to toe and back up. She gave him credit. He didn’t blush or look uncomfortable when she just lifted a brow at him. “It’s nice to meet you. You’ve already proven your worth by putting up with Beck here.”

  She grinned. “What’s not to like?” she asked, as she patted Beck and moved around him toward the door.

  “Exactly,” Beck agreed with her.

  “I mean his prank did get me into an office with the three of you.” She’d batted her eyelashes at them. “What more could a girl ask for?”

  Asher and Spencer had both looked a little closer at her, making her wonder if she’d flirted too outrageously. Beck had laughed, easing her mind as she moved back to the desk out front where she’d be working.

  By the second week, she was on a first name basis with all of them, at their repeated requests. Beckett had managed to get her alone a few times, chatting and casually touching her shoulder or fixing her hair. Once he’d even touched her cheek, telling her she’d had a smudge there.

  She’d caught Spencer watching her several times. She’d noticed he was the quiet one of the group. Now she’d be thinking of him when she fantasized about the spanking Melda had talked about. She could just imagine him bending her naked body over his knees, palming and stroking the cheeks of her ass before smacking her oh-so good.

  Since she was fantasizing, she didn’t stop there. She imagined them tying her up, at least her hands, while they took turns pleasuring her. And damn, she wished she didn’t have such a great imagination. Her panties were drenched, and she was definitely going to have to pull out her toy box before she went to sleep tonight.

  She should walk away tomorrow. Just put in her final day and leave. But she wouldn’t. Not if there was any chance in hell the rumors she’d heard at the beginning of the week were true. If they liked to share, she was more than willing to let them share her. It would be the perfect way to live the fantasy playing out in her mind.

  Chapter Two

  Spencer wasn’t surprised when Asher and Beck ducked into his office and shut the door. He’d been anticipating and dreading this moment almost from the first time he’d seen Deja Robins. Somehow, he’d known it would all come down to this.

  “My vote is yes,” Beck said. “Same as it was three weeks ago.” His vote to seduce the lovely Deja.

  Beck had been pushing for it since she’d stepped foot through the door. The man approached everything he did the same way—full speed ahead—whether it was his practical jokes or romancing a woman. Spencer had no desire to change Beck. In fact, he envied his friend's ability to embrace life and not worry over every little decision. All Spencer tried to do was rein Beck in a little. The last thing they needed was to throw fuel on the rumor mills by all of them showering attention on the same woman at the same time. Not that the rumors bothered him. Could you even call the truth a rumor?

  It didn’t matter. His sex life was no one’s business, except those involved in it, which included Asher and Beck and, if they all had their way, soon Deja. But Spencer had to be the clear-headed one, the voice of reason. He couldn't be any way else. He admitted he was a bit of a control freak. He liked to know all the possibilities up front, so he could make a better informed decision. With their preferred lifestyle, it wasn't just about their sex life. Whether they liked it or not, it could affect their professional life as well. Invite the wrong woman into their kink, and well, that was how those nasty rumors got started.

  Spencer leaned back in his chair and glanced at Asher. Asher was the perfect combination of Spencer and Beck. He had a need for control to a certain degree, but didn't let that need interfere with his fun. He often played the middleman between his two friends, persuading Beck to back off a bit, while encouraging Spencer to loosen up.

  “What about you?” Spencer asked him.

  Asher sighed. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested. You seem to be the only one who can keep your distance from her.”

  Will power, Spencer mused to himself. That was all it was. He wanted nothing more than to pull the curvy brunette int
o his arms, wanted his hands on that full ass that twitched when she walked. He wanted to bury his hands in her long curls and his cock anywhere she’d let him. She’d bewitched them all with her big brown eyes.

  “And if she only wants one of us?” Spencer had to put it out there; that way there would be no hard feelings later if she chose one over the others.

  Asher sighed again while Beck grunted.

  “So, is that a ‘yes, we’re cool’ or a ‘fuck no, all or none’?” Spencer shook his head.

  “Most of the time I’m a yeah, we’re cool,” Beck stated. “But not with her. I’ve not been this wound up and on edge since I was a randy teenager. Hell, I don’t think my dick’s been this hard this often since then either.”

  “Me either,” Asher confessed.

  Spencer nodded in agreement. If they ever got her naked and under them, over them, on her hands and knees surrounded by them, none of them would last long. It might just be embarrassing how quickly they all came.

  “So all or none?” he asked again just to be sure.

  “All or none,” Beck agreed.

  “Yeah.” Asher nodded in agreement.

  “So, how do you want to handle this?”

  “We need to get her to stay after everyone else leaves,” Asher said.

  “I’ve got that covered,” Beck assured them. “I shredded her paperwork by accident. I need her to stay a little late and fill out new forms for us.”

  “You what?” Spencer demanded.

  “No, I didn’t,” Beck said with a grin. “But it will keep her here after we close.”

  “You’re sure she seemed intrigued by the rumor of us sharing?” Spencer asked for probably the hundredth time.

  “Her exact words were, ‘lucky woman’,” Asher assured him. “Damn near made me come in my slacks. I’ve never been so happy to wear a lab coat as I have these past three weeks.”

  They all agreed with that statement.

  “And you don’t think she’s in a relationship right now?” Spencer asked.

  “I heard Mags asking her about a boyfriend on her first day,” Beck answered, referring to their office manager. “Deja told her she didn’t have one at the moment, but she had hope.”

  “That could mean anything,” Spencer said. “She could be seeing someone.”

  “If she is, then she doesn’t consider him a boyfriend, and that’s good enough for me,” Beck assured him. “We’ve already had this argument, Spencer. What are you so afraid of?”

  He was afraid of losing more than he could afford to with Deja. Like his heart. He’d never had this feeling before seducing another woman into their bed, and they were only discussing seducing Deja at the moment.

  She made him think of the fairytales he’d read to his sisters when they were all growing up. She made him think maybe there was something to all the happily-ever-after bullshit.

  “Nothing,” he shook his head as much to discard his unwanted thoughts as to answer Beck’s question. “I just want to be sure before we do this, make sure we’re all ready for the potential fallout.”

  “Christ, the things I want to do to her,” Asher stated with a groan. “I’m pretty sure they’re illegal in most states.”

  Beck laughed, and Spencer felt his lips twitching as well. As if having three men in her bed wasn’t taboo enough, they all had their own even more perverse needs as well.

  “All right then,” Spencer said, coming to his feet. “Beck you get her into the conference room with new paperwork. Asher will start the conversation with her, feel her out.” Asher was always the smoothest talker of the three of them. “And if she is willing, we’ll head back to the loft for the night.”

  The loft was their apartment in town, a penthouse suite that afforded them all the privacy they needed for a night of debauchery. If things went any further, they might take her to their home out of town where they spent their weekends. But he was getting ahead of himself.

  The knock at the door had them all nodding quickly in agreement before Spencer answered.

  “Come in.”

  And wouldn’t you know it. Deja’s head poked around the door.

  “Well, if it isn’t my three favorite doctors.”

  Was it just him or did her voice seem a little huskier?

  “Three?” Beck prompted, moving toward her. He tugged her into the room, pulling her hand to his chest. “It’s okay. They can handle the truth. You don’t have to pretend I’m not your favorite.”

  She giggled, and Spencer felt it all the way to his balls. Beck could get away with such easy flirtation. Everyone knew he was a flirt. The office playboy they called him. Few people knew just how serious Beck could get. If things worked out, Deja would.

  “I would guess you all have your selling points, Beck,” Deja suggested. “I doubt anyone could choose just one of you as her favorite.”

  Did she have any clue just what that statement did to them? To him? His dick was almost weeping with joy. Wouldn’t that just be embarrassing? Like it wasn’t difficult enough walking around with a perpetual hard-on. Now, he’d have to worry about a wet spot because he couldn’t keep his control.

  “Did you need something?” Spencer asked and flushed when she gave him a startled look. Could he have come across as more of a prick? If his friends’ looks were anything to go by, the answer was no. But Deja smiled at him with no fear.

  “It’s my last day,” she stated in that husky voice again. “I wanted to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed working here the last three weeks. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you three. I hope you’ll keep me in mind, if anything else comes up.”

  He’d lost his mind. He swore her eyes had dipped to his cock when she’d said the last two words, and she’d put emphasis on them. He vowed if he ever got her agreement, he’d fuck her until neither of them could move. Then he’d fuck her some more just because he doubted he could be near her and not be inside her once she agreed to allow him the privilege. All he needed was one small word from her. Yes. Yes, I want you. Yes, I need you. Yes, please fuck me. Yes. Yes. Yes.

  “Are you okay, Spencer?” Deja asked.

  Christ, he’d groaned out loud. Beck was doing his best to hold in a snicker, damn him. And Asher was grinning ear to ear. He’d never lost his control like this with any other woman. Maybe it would be better if Deja wasn’t interested. She just might be his undoing.

  “He’s fine,” Beck answered for him. “I can personally guarantee you we’ll keep you in mind if anything should come up, anything at all.”

  Spencer almost groaned again. The innuendo was ripe in this conversation, and they all knew it. Deja’s eyes met his again, and she gave him a smile and a wink. Her pink tongue peeked out from between her lush lips and coated them with moisture. He wanted that moisture on his lips, his cock. Hell, he just wanted it anywhere she wanted to lick him.

  “Well, then I’ll let you guys get back to whatever you were discussing before I interrupted.”

  His eyes weren’t the only ones that dropped to her ass as she turned to head out the door. She put an extra bit of sway and bounce into those luscious globes. Fuck him, he’d never been so close to coming with just a glance. Hell, he’d yet to even touch her ass. He wanted to go to his knees and worship hers. He wanted to lick the sweet curves. Shape and mold them with his hands. He wanted to spread them and use his fingers to lube that sweet ass for his cock. Then he wanted to take his time working his shaft inside, so slow she was begging him to fuck her before he was even all the way in. Oh, he had it bad.

  “Lush lips, lush ass, and all that hair.” Asher grunted. “I swear she’s starred in every jack-off fantasy I’ve had since I first laid eyes on her.”

  “Do you remember Jacquie?” Beck asked, and Spencer gave him a startled glance.

  “Where did that come from?”

  “She makes me wish she was our first and only woman,” Beck stated with a shrug.

  “Nah,” Asher disagreed. “She’ll enjoy it more for our exp
erience.” Then he laughed. “Christ, I remember Jacquie and that first night with her. I about shit my pants when she came on to me. I was afraid Spencer was going to deck me, even though she was the one who grabbed me.”

  Spencer shrugged as he let the memory wash over him. “I knew she was interested in more than just me.”

  “So, why’d you agree that night?” Beck asked. “She was your date. You didn’t have to share.”

  “The lady wanted it,” Spencer answered. And that had been what prompted the initial agreement. Honestly, he hadn’t been sure if he would participate or not. But he’d planned to watch.

  “That’s always been you’re answer,” Asher stated but shook his head. “But you didn’t have to give her what she wanted. Hell, I remember her dropping to her knees and reaching for my cock, sucking it through my shorts. The whole time she was looking at you, gauging your reaction. I was too.”

  Spencer shifted his shoulders. “I was curious at first, wondering how far she’d go.”

  “I’m not sure there was anything she wouldn’t have done,” Beck said with a low moan. “The woman was a sex goddess.”

  Asher nodded in agreement.

  “It was the pleasure on her face,” Spencer admitted. “Watching her, seeing how much she wanted it, all of us. Then seeing her face when we took turns, when she talked us into taking her at the same time. She practically glowed with pleasure.”

  “There’s nothing more beautiful than watching a woman’s face during sex and knowing you put that look there, that lustful glaze in her eyes,” Asher added.

  “When I walked in the door and saw her on her knees sucking Asher, while you were watching.” Beck shook his head. “Fuck. It was like walking on the set of a porno. Then she pointed at me and gave me that come here wiggle with her finger.”

  “She corrupted us,” Spencer grunted.