Unleashing the Beast Read online

Page 8

  “Jesus!” Finn seethed, wanting to find this Erik and rip his head off.

  “That’s when Gabriel found me,” she continued. “One minute, I’m crying, begging them to let me go. The next, there’s this huge man who’s just there. He killed the two men with Erik instantly. Erik… He released the two shifters, hoping to buy himself time to get away. Gabriel didn’t realize what was going on at first. He went after Erik and snapped his neck when he caught him. The two shifters were fighting each other, trying to reach me. One would paw at me until the other attacked. I wasn’t sure who would get to me first. I wanted… I wanted to die. Then Gabriel was back. He stopped them. One of them… He couldn’t control himself against the drug. He kept trying to attack me. Gabriel tried to knock him out, but the guy kept coming back for more. It was the drug.” She lifted her head and met Finn’s gaze. “Gabriel killed him. The shifter had lost all control. His sole focus was getting to me, taking me. Gabriel had no choice. It was the shifter or me.”

  “Thank God, he chose you.”

  “He snapped the shifter’s neck. I don’t know what cocktail they gave that man, but it drove him mad with lust.”

  “And the other man?” Finn asked.

  “He was a bit older, stronger. He managed to fight the drug and begged Gabriel to tie him up until it wore off. He told Gabriel to keep me away from him.”

  “Gabriel brought you back here with him?”

  “No. He gave me directions to a safe place where I could find other shifters willing to help me. I followed Gabriel instead. He was this larger-than-life shifter. He rescued me, made me feel safe. I didn’t want to give up that feeling.”

  “I don’t blame you,” Finn agreed. “Why didn’t Gabriel offer to take you with him?”

  “He urged me to find my brother,” she admitted with a laugh. “He knew I was following him though, and he made sure I stayed close enough that he could keep an eye on me. I waited in town for three days before I got the courage to follow him out here. Isaac met me and almost sent me running.”

  “Gabriel stopped him?”

  “Daniel did. Gabriel tried to keep his distance from me. I think he was afraid of caring about me too much. Isaac drilled him about being the Angel and how Gabriel couldn’t have a mate or anyone who could be used against him. He even urged him to distance himself from his brother.”

  “Yeah, I could tell he was a great guy,” Finn scoffed.

  “He never treated his sons well. Their mother died when they were young, and Isaac never forgave them for it.”

  “Forgave them?”

  “They were supposed to be with her. She sent them away, and it saved their lives.”

  “Isaac blamed them for that?” What kind of bastard…? He shook off the thought. He knew exactly the type of bastard who would blame a child. Seemed as if he and Murphy had something in common with Gabriel and Daniel.

  “Isaac trained Gabriel to be this avenging angel of legend and pushed Daniel away. When I arrived, they were so far apart, but Isaac just kept pushing them further.”

  “I’m surprised you stayed.”

  “I loved Gabriel and Daniel from the first. They became the family I longed for and took the place of the brother I no longer had.”

  “Laura,” Finn began, cupping her face, “I remember Logan speaking of you many times. He was devastated when all his letters were returned. He even tried to call. We were limited to what we could achieve while we were in the desert. I know he planned to find you when he came home. I know he and Reno searched before they went to find Tah.”

  “So I’ve been told,” she admitted.

  “From what I’ve gathered, it sounds like your parents were real pricks. Do you know why Logan joined the Marines?” Finn asked.

  “Because our dad told him not to,” she replied. “He and dad butted heads all the time.”

  Finn shook his head. “There was more to it than butting heads. There was…more. I get it though. You felt abandoned by him. God knows my sister probably feels the same way.”

  “You have a sister?” Laura asked.

  “Yes. Brenna. She’s…my twin.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Home in Ireland. I haven’t seen or spoken to her since Murphy and I left as boys,” he admitted. “I think about her all the time, though. As I imagine your brother has with you.”

  “What happened? Why did you leave?”

  “My mother was murdered by a hunting party. My father blamed Murphy. He was the only one of us who was a shifter back then. My father and older brothers were going to kill Murph. I tried to prevent that.” He thought of the broken leg, how Alby had held him down while Niall had methodically broken it. He pushed the memory away and continued. “As you know, my brother survived. We were sent away and told we could never come back.”

  “How can anyone prevent you from returning to Ireland?” she demanded.

  “Easily. If we’re sighted there, Brenna will die.”

  “I’m so sorry, Finn.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, loving the way she blanketed him. She fisted her hands on his chest and propped her chin up to meet his gaze. Tears were in her eyes again.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  She sat up, her legs widening to straddle his hips, snugging her sex against his groin. She bent to him, taking his mouth with hers. The kiss was deep, seeking, a reaffirmation that this was real. That he was alive, and she wasn’t a dream. He cradled her head, tilting her face for a better fit. Her pebbled nipples brushed over his chest and his cock awakened, surging to life between her thighs and rising to brush the swollen lips of her pussy.

  “Make love to me again,” she said with a purr, rubbing her curves against him.

  He gripped her hips, lifting her so she could position his cock at her entrance. She slid onto him, and they both moaned at the sensations that coursed through them. She braced her hands on his shoulders as she rode him. He reached up to cradle her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over the distended nipples then pinching them lightly. He felt her pussy tighten around him and growled, lifting his head and latching on to one pink bud and sucking greedily.

  She quickened her pace, rising and lowering along his shaft and driving them both closer to the edge. Their connection was growing. He felt her pleasure as if it were his own. He knew what she wanted, whether it was more, less or something different, and he gave it to her. He felt her orgasm approaching and sat up, changing the position. He wanted to make it last just a bit longer.

  She turned her head, lying it on his shoulder and licking over the mark she’d left on him. He brushed her hair aside, revealing the spot he’d claimed on her. He ran his tongue over it, rubbing over the twin points where his canines had broken through.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Again.”

  He slid his hands to her thighs, holding her close while he surged up into her, filling her impossibly deeper with his cock. Her nails stung as they pierced his flesh. They were both on the edge, waiting to fly when they struck as one, their mouths gripping each other, teeth buried deep and sending them soaring together.

  Chapter Eight

  Laura woke alone. She hadn’t slept so well in far too long. Her mate had thoroughly worn her out in the most delicious of ways. Her body ached, and she loved it. They’d turned to each other twice more during the night and found pleasure together. Her mate was alive, and he’d forgiven her. They still had so much to discuss and deal with though, starting with their brothers.

  She purred as she stretched and reached for her robe, tying the belt at her waist before following the scent of her mate to the kitchen. They had guests. Gabriel was one. The other’s scent was close enough to her mate’s that it could only be one person. His brother. Murphy. Her pulse picked up as nerves took over. Her mate might not hate her, but his brother most likely did.

  Finn crossed to her as soon as she entered, and she knew he’d picked up on her emotions.

  “Shh,” he cro
oned at her ear. “Everything’s fine.”

  Part of her wanted to turn into him, to cling and absorb some of his strength, but she denied herself that bit of cowardice. She’d stood on her own two feet for a long time, and if she wanted to win the respect of Finn’s brother, it was imperative she remembered that.

  She kissed her mate, a chaste press of her lips against the corner of his lips. “I’m good. Better than good,” she added and gave him a smile meant just for him. His look was intense, and she wasn’t surprised when he threw a look toward his brother. There was a rumble from the table, and she didn’t have to glance over to know it came from Murphy. Finn and Gabriel’s growls filled the kitchen in response.

  “Stop it!” she snarled. “I haven’t even had my coffee yet.” She turned her back to them, feeling Finn moving between her and the table but refusing to comment on it. She ignored him when she turned back, steaming mug in hand, and moved around him. “Want to tell me why you’re both in my kitchen this morning? I was hoping for more alone time with my mate.”

  Finn moved in behind her, pressing against her back and sliding a hand around her waist to rest against her lower belly.

  “I told you I’d stop by this morning to go over the files we found,” Gabriel reminded her.

  She nodded then cast a questioning look at Murphy.

  “I’m here to check on my brother,” he snapped.

  Finn grumbled in displeasure, and she slipped her free hand down, lacing her fingers with his just below the belt on her robe.

  “I understand you don’t think very highly of me.” She looked straight at Murphy, her gaze unflinching despite his open hostility.

  “You left my brother to die.”

  “I thought he was dead. I know you don’t believe that, and I understand. I left, and you found him. You saved his life, and whether you care or not, you also saved mine.”

  Finn wrapped both hands around her. “He cares. My brother loves me. Trust me when I say he knows how happy I am.”

  She patted his hands but focused on Murphy as she spoke. “I know the two of you have a unique bond. I don’t know if you can feel my emotions or not, but I promise you there will never again be a time when I leave my mate. I swear this to you.”

  “Actions speak louder than any words,” Murphy challenged.

  “Then I prefer you consider me a liar,” Laura stated. “I never want my mate to be in that position again.”

  Finn’s lips brushed her cheek in front of her ear.

  “That’s enough, Murphy,” Finn said, dismissing his brother. “Tell us about these files, Gabriel.”

  “We found them when we cleaned out the cabin. These were hidden in a safe neither Daniel or I knew our father had.”

  “Isaac was as secretive as they come,” Laura offered.

  “That he was,” Gabriel agreed. “These are marked with dates and times then a cryptic, alphabet code. I don’t know if it’s initials or an acronym for something else or what. It could be almost anything.”

  “How far back do the dates and times go?” Murphy asked.

  “A long way,” Gabriel answered. “Some of these are from before I was born. Before my parents were even together.”

  “Is there anyone you can think of who might know what these mean?” Finn asked.

  Gabriel shook his head. “Isaac didn’t have many friends.”

  “Why do you call him Isaac sometimes and refer to him as your father at others?” Murphy asked.

  “My father preferred to be called Isaac, even by his sons. Especially by me. As the Angel, I was to limit my personal connections.”

  “Too bad for him, it didn’t work out like that,” Laura said. “Daniel moved into town, but he didn’t go away. Adrian and the rest of the coyotes never went away. Then I showed up, and Isaac couldn’t get rid of me either.”

  “There must have been someone he trusted,” Finn argued. “He wanted to isolate you as the Angel. That doesn’t mean he wanted to isolate himself. What about the doctor. I heard he and Isaac were friends. Did you ask him about these?”

  Gabriel shook his head. “I didn’t think about asking Miles. As for other friends?” He shook his head. “Acquaintances maybe, but no friends. To be honest, I didn’t know he and Dr. Jensen were friends. I know my father was the one to bring him here. But friends? I never saw it.”

  “Sounds like maybe we need to talk to the doctor,” Murphy said.

  “He’s a good guy,” Laura stated, not liking Murphy’s tone. “He’s saved a lot of people, helped deliver babies, treated illnesses, operated to take out bullets and broken knife blades. Isaac may have been the one to bring him here, but Dr. Jensen has more than proven his value to us.”

  “She’s right,” Gabriel agreed.

  “Then he shouldn’t have a problem answering a few questions,” Murphy countered.

  “Give me a few minutes to get dressed. I want to go with you. Besides, knowing what I do of your Professor, I’m sure Finn and I will be needed in the labs for blood samples.”

  Finn groaned. “I’d say he has enough of mine to last a lifetime, but I know that won’t matter. He’ll want to see what it’s doing now that we’ve mated.”

  “I thought so,” Laura said, squeezing his arm and pulling it away so she could step free. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  * * * *

  Finn watched Laura head back to the bedroom. Murphy had brought a set of clothes for him, and he’d dressed when he’d left their bed earlier. He planned to grab the rest of his things and bring them to the house later. His place was with her. He sensed there was something she was still holding back from him, but didn’t push. They still had much to learn of one another. He planned to ensure they had a lifetime to do it.

  “Murphy, I’d like to speak to you privately.”

  Gabriel looked up and nodded. “I’ll go ahead of you three and speak with Tah. Meet us in the office when you’re through.” He paused, looking at Finn. “Laura’s one of the best women I’ve ever met. She’s fierce and strong and as loyal as they come. She’s more than a friend. She’s family. Take care of her.”

  “I will,” Finn promised.

  “I’ll see the three of you at the main house,” Gabriel said then left out the back door.

  Finn stood for a beat then glanced at his brother. “Follow me,” he ordered and opened the door, stepping into the yard. “You brought me here last night,” he reminded his brother. “You knew before you left here that my beast and I had already accepted the fact she’s my mate. She’s a part of me now. Our connection is bound to include her eventually, as it will your mate one day. I need you to let this go, Murphy.”

  “How do I let go of this? I’m not blinded by a mate’s eyes. She left you to die. She found you, touched you and walked away.”

  “She thought I was dead,” Finn reminded him.

  “Yet you were breathing when Zane and I arrived.”

  “Think back, Murph. What did you feel? Did you feel me dying? Even for a moment?”

  “I felt you slipping away. I knew I was losing you. I feared we’d never make it to you in time. Then I found you. I didn’t know if you’d make it back to Colorado and had no clue if they’d be able to save you if we did. All I felt was you.”

  “Then tell me. Let go of the fear you felt at the time. Push it away if you can. When you found me was I still as weak as what you’d felt before?”

  Murphy paused, his gaze searching Finn’s. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’d like to speak with Gideon first, to see if it’s possible, but I believe my mate. I think I died. I think she felt me slip away, tasted my last breath on her lips.”

  “Then how?”

  “Am I still alive?” Finn continued Murphy’s question. “I think she saved me. I think if she hadn’t been there that day and come in when she did, you would have found a corpse instead of me clinging to life.”

  Finn heard Laura in the kitchen and knew she’d be through the door, joining them in a f
ew moments.

  “Just think about it, Murph. For me. She’s my mate. I want the two of you to get along.”

  “I’ll try,” Murphy said, and the door opened, drawing both their gazes to the woman who stepped out.

  Finn caught his breath, overcome by the beauty of his mate. She’d pulled her long, blonde hair back in a ponytail that hung down her back. Her green eyes sparkled, and her skin practically glowed. He took full credit for the contentment that filled her. They’d loved throughout the night, and he was already looking forward to being inside her again. If his brother and Gabriel hadn’t shown up when they did, he would have awoken Laura with a touch sure to have her purring in pleasure for him.

  “Save those thoughts for later,” she murmured huskily as she joined them. She leaned up and nipped his jaw, making his cock threaten the hold of his zipper as he came to life in his jeans.

  “Not too much later,” he returned and gave her a hard kiss before grabbing her hand and linking their fingers. “We should be using the ATVs we brought to get around.”

  “You too lazy to walk?” Murphy asked with a snicker.

  “We have plenty of ATVs here. There are several in the barn,” Laura told them, ignoring Murphy’s comment. “We can grab some when we go up to the main house. I take it Gabriel went ahead?”

  “He’s checking in with Tah,” Finn said. “They’ll probably have Dr. Jensen there when we arrive.”

  She nodded. “Are you staying at the main house, Murphy?”

  He gave a slight jerk of his chin in answer.

  “I understand you and Finn usually stay together. I have two other bedrooms, if you’d like to stay at the house with us,” she offered.

  “No,” Murphy barked, and Finn reached out and smacked him hard. Murphy glared but explained his abrupt response. “I mean, the two of you have just mated. You should have time alone. I appreciate the offer though.”

  “You’ll always be welcome,” Laura said, and Finn admired her willingness to keep trying to repair her relationship with his brother.