Unleashing the Beast Read online

Page 15

  “Yes,” she moaned. “God, yes!”

  He kept his finger there, holding it still as he rode her pussy.

  “I’m close, baby. I’m going to come. Come with me. Let me feel your pussy milking my cock. Take every drop of cum, baby. Let that pussy suck it out.”

  She rocked back into him, meeting his every thrust.

  “Fuck me,” she pleaded, and he knew what she wanted through the link they shared.

  He pressed his finger deeper, impaling her on the digit then pulling it back and driving it in again. She tossed her head back and forth against the mattress, hoarse cries leaving her lips to spill on the air. His release built in his balls, and he knew he was on the edge. He dropped over her, trapping his hand between them and sliding the other one under to find her clit. He brushed over the bud then pressed down and rubbed hard circles.

  She came with a roar, and he answered with one of his own as his release spurted to fill her.

  “Mine,” he rumbled and bit down on her neck. She jerked beneath him, and her pussy clamped down like a vise, becoming almost painful as she forced more semen from the tip.

  They collapsed on the bed, and he gingerly removed his finger from her ass. Laura groaned and shuddered against him, as the slight movement seemed to trigger another, smaller orgasm for her. He managed to maneuver them onto their sides, him snug against her back while they both recovered.

  “You amaze me,” he rumbled.

  “Mmm,” she agreed. “Shower and food. Then I can amaze you all over again.”

  “Insatiable wench,” he teased.

  She turned until she faced him. “I have another idea.”

  He lifted a brow, waiting for her to continue.

  “Shower, food then a run. I think your lynx should meet my leopard.”

  “I like that idea,” Finn agreed. “I like that idea a lot.”

  * * * *

  “Follow me,” Laura told Finn before stepping out the back door in nothing but her skin. It would be fur soon enough.

  “I’ll be nipping at your heels,” he purred then jerked her against his chest and kissed her breathless.

  They’d made love again in the shower and barely made it through dinner without pawing at each other again. It probably didn’t help matters that they’d forgone putting on any clothing. There was just something about her mate that made her want him constantly. He smiled, and she was wet with need. One touch and she would do anything he desired.

  “Just try to keep up,” she taunted when they broke the kiss.

  He gave her ass a smack that had her giggling. She turned her back to him, giving a shake of her backside as she took a few steps away. She took a deep breath, centering herself. She was nervous for some reason. Probably because her mate was watching, was going to get his first real look at her beast.

  “I already love your spirit, baby. Show me.”

  His words wrapped around her like a warm hug. She let her animal free and felt the burn as muscles stretched and bones shifted. Another deep breath and her animal was free and flying across the ground. There was something about being swaddled in fur, senses ignited, that made everything around her come alive. The moon was brighter. The air sweeter. Even the grass and dirt felt softer beneath her feet. She glanced back at her mate and almost lost her footing at the love that shone back at her.

  He snapped his teeth at her hind leg, making her growl, and she swore she heard his lynx laugh at her. Then he was off around her, running faster than a normal lynx would ever be able to. She stayed with him, darting in front then around several times, teasing him. They played, enjoying the night and each other. They ran the perimeter of the land now owned by the pride then slowed their pace on the way back.

  Finn stopped in the shadows of the brief woods that dusted the land. She followed him in and flared her nostrils as he turned and began stalking her. She moved deeper into the shadows. She knew what he wanted, felt his need and returned it.

  She let him chase her, the lust rising higher with every capture and escape. Her animal craved this type of bond, this sexual claim, and she felt his did, as well. The next time he cornered her, she didn’t try to escape. She flashed her teeth, let a roar rumble in her chest as she issued a challenge for dominance. If he wanted her, he’d have to take her by showing he was stronger. It was the only way.

  They snarled and parried, snapping their jaws at each other and giving nips. Finn nudged her with his head, pressing her to submit. Submission wasn’t in her leopard. He would have to prove his dominance. She swiped at him, and he knocked her paw away, getting in her face and roaring. She hadn’t even realized he’d maneuvered her until he moved behind her and there was no place for her to go. He gave another roar and mounted her, plunging his cock deep and taking her at a fast and furious pace.

  She growled with pleasure, finally fully submitting to her mate. He’d proven himself capable of protecting her, proven his strength and virility. He was everything she’d ever hoped for in a mate and all she’d ever need.

  Mine. His claim echoed through her mind. One she accepted and returned.


  Chapter Sixteen

  Finn stood in the doorway, watching Laura and her brother as they talked. Logan looked so much better, the most relaxed Finn had seen him in far too long. The last couple days had been good, and it seemed the injections were working. Clara stayed snuggled next to him as if afraid to let him out of her sight, something Finn understood. Since the moment he and Laura had finally come together in her house, now their house, he’d been reluctant to stray too far from her.

  “Stop hovering, mate, and come here,” Laura called out, making him grin.

  “I stopped in to give you guys an update. Tah just heard from Gabriel.”

  “What’d they find?” Laura asked, coming to her feet. Finn wished he had better news for her.

  “The lab’s gone. Burned to the ground. There were four bodies left in the rubble. Murphy and Daniel dug through the mess while Gabriel and Kenzie did a wider search of the area.”

  “Anything?” Logan asked.

  “Not a lot. They’re bringing everything they can salvage here where we can all help sort through it. Gideon gave them a couple names to check in with while they’re there. Shifters he trusts and who may have more information for us,” Finn continued. “Murphy took pictures of the wreckage. It’s hard to tell if it was started intentionally or not.”

  “The only reason they’d burn their own lab would be to hide something,” Laura said. “Four bodies? I wish I could remember whether or not there were others there with me. I can’t imagine Gabriel leaving anyone behind. It’s not like him. I wasn’t in great shape though. I would have been a liability. Plus he was dealing with the fact he’d been forced to leave his mate behind.”

  “There was plenty of time between when he rescued you and now, time to rescue others. You can’t worry about that. It’ll drive you crazy,” Logan said. “Any word on the guy who helped Gabriel get in and out?”

  “Not yet,” Finn said. “It’s like he just disappeared.”

  “I’m sure he had help with that,” Clara stated.

  “Are they heading back?” Laura asked.

  “Probably tomorrow,” Finn said. “Murphy will call me later. They’ve got a few things they want to follow up on while they’re there. Gabriel has a few connections in that area, but they’re pretty remote. They’ll have to go in on foot, and he’s antsy with Kenzie still unable to shift if needed.”

  “She’s a Marine,” Logan scoffed. “She doesn’t need to shift. She can blend into any environment like she was born to it.”

  “I’m sure she let him know that,” Finn said with a smirk. “I’m going to go check on Ariel and help her look through the rest of the stuff at Isaac’s. I won’t be long,” he told Laura.

  “Want me to come with you?” she offered.

  “No, I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about, and I’m hoping to get a chance to talk with Ariel.” She�
��d avoided him since she’d told Laura everything that happened. Finn wanted to make sure she knew he was still there for her, too.

  “I’ll see you soon then.”

  He crossed to where she sat and leaned down to give her a soft kiss on the lips. “Soon,” he promised.

  With a nod to Logan and Clara, Finn left, grabbing one of the ATVs and heading toward Isaac’s and Ariel. He found her, not in the house, but in the yard behind it. She didn’t even glance up when he approached her.

  “Find anything useful today?” he asked.

  “The man was a packrat. I doubt much of this was useful past the eighties,” she said.

  Finn laughed. “I thought I’d see if you needed any help.”

  “I was just taking a break, getting some fresh air.”

  “I’m sure it’s overwhelming at times, especially with your mate’s scent lingering in places,” he said.

  “Don’t,” she warned.

  “I never took you for a coward, Ariel,” he stated. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m not a coward,” she hissed. “You have no idea what I’ve survived.”

  “I do have an idea,” he told her. “Stop letting the past define you. We love you, Ariel. You’re family. Don’t you know it kills us to know what you’ve suffered? How much we wish we’d been there to stop them? To protect you.”

  “It’s too late for that.”

  “You’re right. It is. None of us can go back into the past, but we can learn from it. Laura has an idea, a way for us to try to prevent what happened to you from happening to others.”

  “What is it?”

  “She thinks we should send out teams to do what they do, to search for lone shifters in need of help, in need of a home. There aren’t many choices for them now, not if the only ones looking and offering aid are the ones trying to annihilate us.”

  “Has she discussed it with anyone besides you?”

  “Yes, and Tah thinks it’s a great idea. He’ll probably ask for volunteers.”

  “I’ll volunteer,” Ariel said.

  “He won’t let you go,” Finn said. “And if he did, I’d ask him not to.”


  “Because you’re in no condition to help anyone else right now. You’re still dealing with what happened to you. Plus, killing Dillon. You might act like it didn’t matter, but I can see the truth when you think no one’s watching. I know what it’s like to take another person’s life, deserving or not. It leaves a mark on you. Add in coming here and finding your mate—”

  “I don’t have a mate,” Ariel whispered.

  “You know that’s not true,” Finn said. “He’s a good man, Ariel. He could help you get through all this.”

  “Do you know why I can be with you and Gideon and Murphy and be okay?”

  “Because you trust us and know we’d never hurt you,” Finn answered.

  “Because you don’t want anything from me. A mate…has needs, and I can’t… I won’t… I’ll never let a man touch me like that again. I can’t give Daniel what he needs.”

  “How do you know that? Have you spoken with him?”

  “No, and I’m not going to. Leave it alone, Finn.”

  “They hung me on a wall and beat the hell out of me. There wasn’t a part of me they missed. Fists. Knives. It’s amazing what we have the capacity to heal from, and still, I died. My body was too broken to heal, and I felt myself slipping away. Then Laura came in. My mate. With one touch, she saved my life. Don’t underestimate the bond mates form. Those bonds change lives, heal and even bring you back to life.”

  “It’s not the same.”

  “You’re right. It’s not. I died on the floor of that cabin. You? You’re very much alive. Don’t let your demons keep you from finding happiness. You deserve it. More importantly, remember it’s not just about you. Every choice you make touches his life. In denying yourself, you’re sentencing him to a life without a mate. I’ll admit I don’t now Daniel that well, but he seems like a great guy. My mate loves him as if he were her brother. That tells me everything I need to know about him. Give him a chance, Ariel. Give yourself one.”

  “I don’t think I can.”

  “Gabriel said something to Laura that she shared with me the other night. For her, it had to do with her brother, but I think it could apply to you.”


  “Ask yourself if you feel better knowing Daniel is close. Not necessarily as your mate, but just knowing where he is and that he’s safe and alive. Do you miss him? Are you worried about him? If the answer to any of those is yes, start building bridges instead of walls.”

  “I don’t—”

  “Just think about it,” Finn urged. “Daniel seems to be a patient man. He hasn’t pushed you once that I’ve seen. That’s more than I can say for most of us. Give him a chance. Get to know him. You might discover there’s more to you than you think.”

  She didn’t say anything, but he could tell she was processing what he’d said. That was a start, or at least, he hoped it was. She needed to realize and really believe the words she’d said the other day. She wasn’t broken. She was worthy. She didn’t deserve what had happened, and she was not a victim.

  “You ready to head back in?” he asked. “You can show me where you were working and where I should start.”

  She’d opened her mouth to reply when his phone rang. He knew who it was before he answered. Murphy. She pointed to the house and headed inside, leaving him alone as he answered.

  “What’s wrong?” Finn asked in lieu of a greeting.

  “Remind me to stop volunteering for stuff,” Murphy grumbled. “Seems Daniel’s picked up your mate’s previous death wish. If I manage to get his ass back there unharmed, it’ll be a miracle. Damn fool nearly walked in front of a car today. Didn’t even notice.”

  Finn would keep that tidbit of information away from Ariel right now. She’d only blame herself.

  “When are you guys planning to head back?”

  “We got a lead earlier. Gabriel and Kenzie are checking in with his contact. Apparently, it’s a guy Gabriel rescued. He’s a bit of a recluse now. Daniel and I are looking into the new information.”

  “Is that safe? Can you trust him to watch your back?”

  “I won’t take any chances. If I feel like he’s putting either of us in danger, I’ll park him somewhere. His animal is battling him hard. I didn’t realize how much until this trip. He’s got a lot of willpower, but it’s flagging. How’s Ariel doing?”

  “She doesn’t think she’s worthy of a mate.” Not exactly how she’d put it, but that was the crux of it.

  “He needs her just as much as she needs him. I swear with the way mating has been lately, I’m starting to hope I don’t have one,” Murphy said.

  “It’s all worth it when you hold the one you’re meant to be with,” Finn assured him.

  “I’ll take your word on it for now. I wanted to give you a heads up about tomorrow. We’ll all leave at first light then meet back up in the evening. Unless we find out something else, we’ll head back the following morning.”

  “I hear an ‘if’ in there,” Finn said.

  “No ifs,” Murph said. “I’ll call you after Daniel and I get back. Already, we’ve been able to speak with several people who’ve said it appeared the lab was in the process of moving before it burned down. Gabriel finally made contact with the man who helped him slip in and out. He gave us two possible sites for the lab relocation. It’ll be a couple hours drive to reach them, but we’ll see if either of them pan out. We’re not leaving until we’ve exhausted any possibility for getting the information we need.”

  “Did the guy say anything about the information Isaac had?”

  “Didn’t ask him. That’s where Gabriel and Kenzie are headed tomorrow. Gabriel thinks the one he rescued might have an idea what they mean or at least be able to point us in a direction for answers.”

  “I don’t like the idea of you guys splitting up,” Finn murm

  “Tah said the same thing, but we’ll be okay. Daniel and I will do recon. If we find anything, we’ll wait for Gabriel and Kenzie before we investigate further. Gideon’s making some calls. He knows of some shifters who are close enough to assist, if needed.”

  “Don’t take any chances,” Finn ordered. “I need you more than I need answers.”

  “I know the feeling,” Murphy agreed. “I’m not as foolhardy and reckless as my younger brother, and I like my skin too much to risk losing it.”

  Finn snorted at that comment but let it go. “Have you encountered any hunters?”

  “No, and that’s what’s so baffling. We should be in Blane territory or, at least, on the edges of it. That lab your mate was in wasn’t the only one burned down either. There were several within a three-city radius. It’s like they pulled up, moved and wanted to leave behind no traces.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “I don’t know, but I think we need to find out.”

  Murphy was right. It was strange, but it gave Finn a measure of relief to know there were no hunters in the vicinity. He knew firsthand just what they were capable of. The last thing he wanted was for his brother to be in hunters hands.

  “How’s Logan?” Murph asked.

  Finn spent the next few minutes bringing his brother up to date on everything. He hated being apart. It wasn’t often that they were, and the last time hadn’t gone so well.

  “Just a minute,” Murph said, and Finn heard him speaking to someone else. “I’m going to get going,” he said when he came back on the line. “We’re going to grab dinner and get organized for the morning. I’ll call you when we get back.”

  “Make sure you do,” Finn said. “I’ll see you in a few days.”

  He hung up then headed into the house to work with Ariel. He’d stop into the main house and make sure Tah knew everything then grab his mate and fill her in. He knew Murphy was doing most of this for Laura. She needed answers, and his brother was doing his best to get them for her. Despite what Murphy had said, Finn hoped his brother was lucky enough to find his own mate…soon.