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Waking the Beast Page 15
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Page 15
Reno nodded. “I told Abby she didn’t deserve you, and I meant it. She doesn’t deserve the person who lay in that bed. She needs a man who will be around to protect her, to love her. Either be that man or let her find someone who will.”
“Mine.” Tah’s voice was so close to the animal Abby felt a chill race down her spine.
“And I’ll protect what’s yours with my life if needed. I’ll protect her even against you when needed.”
Tah’s head dropped to his chest. Abby leaned against his back, tilting her head so she could see Reno across from them, as she wrapped her hands around Tah’s waist.
“You don’t have to protect me from him,” she whispered against Tah’s flesh.
Tah just nodded his head. “Thank you.”
“You’re fucking welcome. Don’t ever make me do it again. I don’t mind being the bad guy when I need to be. But I don’t like scaring a woman. Ever.”
“I know. I owe you.”
“You do, and I’ll collect it someday. Now take care of your woman. Take care of whatever fight is going on inside you, and let’s figure this shit out. I’ve got a twitchy feeling in my neck I can’t explain or shake. Don’t fucking bail on us again.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Tah said as Reno walked to the door.
“I’ll give you guys a little bit of time,” Reno said. “I’ll let the others know it worked.”
“You planned this?” Abby asked with surprise.
“I figured the only way to pull him out was to make him think you were threatened. I was banking on our friendship keeping him from killing me.”
“That’s a hell of a gamble, Reno,” Tah told him.
“I’ve died before,” Reno said with a careless shrug of his shoulders as he walked out, pulling the door shut behind him.
“He’s died before?” Abby couldn’t keep the question from spilling out of her mouth.
“Two years ago, just before he showed up at the bar with Logan. He was shot, coded at the scene, then again in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Logan said he coded twice during the surgery to remove the bullet. When he woke up, he said it was time to hunt me up. So they came to find me.”
Abby had a ton of questions running through her mind, but they all disappeared as Tah turned around. His cock was hard and just the sight of his arousal had her juices coating her walls in preparation for him.
“I’m sorry, Abby.”
She went into his open arms and let him hold her against his chest. He lowered his head to rest atop hers, and she could hear him inhaling her scent.
“Do you need me?” she asked softly when he just held her.
“I always need you. But if you’re asking if it’s that uncontrollable urge from earlier, then no. If you don’t want to make love right now, I’ll be okay.”
“Did you hear me when you were out?” She eased back from him, so she could meet his gaze.
“I remember the sound of your voice, but not the words.”
“I was scared, Tah. I was so afraid you wouldn’t come back to me.”
“I’ll always come back to you, Abby, always.”
“You have to find a way to accept the other part of you,” she urged him. “I know you can do it. I’m afraid if you don’t, I’m going to lose you.”
“I’m afraid of that too. I could sense things, and I wanted to get to you. But I couldn’t. And the more I fought, the weaker I got.”
“No more fighting, Tah.” She took a deep breath as she prepared to tell him the biggest news of their lives. “I need you now more than ever.”
“Why? What’s happened?” Tah was on full alert. His eyes scanned her from head to toe, and when she still stood there in silence, he ripped his shirt over her head, stripping her naked and took another look. “Abby?”
“I’m pregnant.” The words were a whisper, letting her insecurity bleed through. Would Tah be happy? Angry? Disgusted?
His gaze fell to her flat belly before he reached out and placed his palm over her stomach. “Pregnant?”
Abby nodded. “They think that’s part of the reason for all the sex and the changes happening so fast in you. I was ovulating.”
“So I wanted to make you pregnant, to what? Bind you to me?”
Abby nodded and almost collapsed at the look of horror on Tah’s face. He looked like he might be sick.
“I’m so sorry, Abby. Oh, God, what have I done to you?”
She swallowed, but couldn’t stop the few tears that fell from her eyes. “You don’t want the baby?”
“What?” He looked shocked. “Abby, I forced you to get pregnant. You mentioned condoms, and I ignored you, told you they wouldn’t hold me without even attempting. I gave you no choice.” He fell to his knees again and wrapped his arms around her, resting his check against her belly. “And I’m so happy at the thought of you round with my baby, at you having my baby, a tiny little piece of you and me. I’m so sorry, Abby. I don’t blame you if you hate me.”
She used her hands to grip his hair and force him to look up at her. “I love you, Utah Pearce, and I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than to have your baby.”
“But I gave you no choice,” he whispered.
“I know you see yourself as big and strong and in charge, but have no doubt, Tah. If I wanted you to wear a condom, you would have. No question. I couldn’t stand the thought of anything between us either. I wanted you. You didn’t force me or coerce me into anything. I walked into this with eyes wide open.”
Slowly, a smile spread across his lips. He eased his head back and placed soft kisses across her belly. “A baby.” His voice was filled with awe.
“A baby.” She agreed and started bawling.
He surged quickly to his feet, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her to the bed. He sat and held her while she cried. His hands stroked up and down her back while she snuggled against his chest and let all the fear and grief of a lifetime finally pour out of her.
“I love you, Abby,” he told her over and over, as he held her.
“Don’t leave me again,” she begged. “Do you hear me?” She pulled back and thumped him on the chest with her fist, then thumped his lion tattoo as well for good measure. “Both of you work out what you need to. Just don’t do this to me again. I need you. Both of you. I love you. Both of you. And I have a feeling this baby is going to need both of you as well.”
“I’ll figure it out,” Tah promised.
“Good,” Abby said as she wiggled in his lap. “Now make love to me. I’ve missed you.”
His smile was pure carnal invitation as he moved, easing her to her back on the bed and coming over her. Her thighs shifted apart to make room for him. He bent to kiss her as his cock slid through her slick folds and bumped against her clit.
She gripped his shoulders, her nails sinking into his flesh as he robbed her of breath.
“You’re body was made for mine,” Tah whispered as he kissed along her jaw toward her ear.
“Yes.” She agreed, as she lifted her hips to rub against him. She wanted his cock inside her, buried deep.
“How did I ever make it without you?” he asked as his cock finally lodged at her opening. “This,” he said as he thrust deep with one firm stroke, burying his shaft fully inside her. “You are my heaven, my deliverance.”
He took the words she tried to say from her lips with another searing kiss as he rode between her thighs. It was slow and easy, evidence that the burning need, which had so recently consumed them, was tempered. This was just a man and a woman making love.
“I love you.” She sighed against his neck as each stroke took her closer toward orgasm.
“You are my heart, my soul,” he whispered. “I am nothing without you.”
“You are everything,” she countered. “To me, you are everything.”
He glided in and out of her pussy, each stroke of his cock completing her in ways she’d never imagined. Once he had been a dream, a vision more ani
mal than man. Then he had been a man, flesh and blood, daring her to toss her dream aside and see only him. Now he was Tah, her man, mate, and lover. And he loved her. Inside her was the very real result of their love, a child, their child.
Part of her was terrified. They weren’t even sure of the changes taking place in him, much less how those changes were affecting her as well. She hadn’t even had a chance to discuss how she had changed with Jess. Jess most likely assumed Abby was finally wearing the contacts Jess tried to convince her to try. But now there was a baby, a tiny life who would depend on them to know what was happening.
She pictured a little boy who looked just like Tah. She wanted her baby, and she would do whatever she needed to in order to protect him. Her gaze met Tah’s. And to protect his father.
“I love you,” she cried as the pleasure crashed through her and sent her flying. “Tah.”
“I’m here, baby. I’m here,” he crooned, holding her close as his thrusts came harder and faster. “I love you, Abby. I love you.”
She felt his release filling her as he came with a loud purr. Though his tongue licked over the mark she’d always wear on her skin, his teeth didn’t sink in this time. Perhaps that was something that would only occur during times of ovulation as well. Who knew? His cock hadn’t reached the girth of before either. She could feel the raised protrusions, but they were smaller, gentler, than the ones that had locked him inside her last time.
Conception seemed to be easing the intense sexual pull between them. The need was there like he said, but it wasn’t an endless ache inside her that only seemed to ease when he took her, when his seed filled her. Perhaps now, they would be able to think more clearly, to find the answers they needed. Perhaps now, Tah could focus on himself.
Maybe with the promise of new life, Tah would finally understand the importance of claiming the other part of himself.
He eased from her pussy and shifted down so his head hovered over her belly. She felt the brush of his lips then his cheek against her flesh.
“I love you, little one. I’m your daddy. I promise you I’ll always be here to love and protect you and your mommy.” He lifted his head and Abby felt her breath catch as she met his gaze. Not brown. Not yellow. A beautiful amber shade that was a perfect mixture of both. “I promise you, Abby. I’ll take care of you, both of you.”
She nodded her head as another tear fell. “I know you will.”
The words were meant for the man and the beast, and as the purr left his chest, she knew both had heard them.
Chapter Fourteen
From the journal of Abby Lane
I thought I saw Harlan today, but the man disappeared in the crowd before I could be sure. I haven’t seen or thought of him in so long. Not since my parents death and my grandmother banned him from my life. I once planned to track him down and demand answers about what really happened the day they died. But those were the wishes of a little girl who lost her mom and dad far too soon in life. The woman knows Harlan would only lie, that he is unworthy of the effort.
Still...today for a second, I thought it was his face leering at me across the crowded street, and for a moment, I felt fear. It gripped me until I found my way to the bar and found Utah behind the counter serving drinks. His eyes met mine, and I almost thought he could feel my fright, that it bothered him.
As soon as I saw him, it disappeared and I could breathe again. Funny how just seeing him does that to me.
Now I sit here writing this and doubt I even saw Harlan. I’m not sure why he entered my mind today, but I’ll push him aside. He has no place in my life now. He can’t take anything else from me.
* * * *
Abby and Tah showered together before dressing and heading out of their room toward the chatter they could hear in the house.
Jess was there with her dad, sitting on the couch they’d laid Tah on. Their heads were together as they looked over the papers spread across their laps. Logan stood by the window, glancing out at the late afternoon sun, talking softly to the man beside him. He was someone Abby didn’t recognize, so she assumed he must be either Adrian or Michael, the other two men Jess had mentioned.
Reno and Cody were missing, but Derrick and another man who must be part of his pack sat at opposite ends of the other sofa talking. Everyone quieted as she and Tah entered the room.
“About damn time you were up and around,” Logan said as he walked toward them. Tah embraced his friend, and they slapped each other on the back. “Never seen Reno so pissed.”
Abby thought of what Reno had done for her, for Tah, and felt her love for the man grow. She still had so many questions about him, and she would want answers some day. But for now, she needed to focus on Tah and the life they’d created. Her hands went to her belly. It was becoming a habit whenever she thought of the baby.
“I see you’re doing much better,” Jess said, bringing her dad’s attention up from what he was reading.
“Abby!’ he cried, surging to his feet, papers forgotten as they fell to the floor. He came to her, pulling her into a tight hug. “So good to see you.” He ignored the grumble from Tah with a laugh. “Now, none of that. Abby’s like a daughter to me, and I haven’t seen her in too long. Let me look at you.” He stepped back, taking her hands in his and opening them wide as he glanced over her. “Jess says they think you’re pregnant.”
“She is,” Tah confirmed.
“Animal senses,” Professor Mueller said with a nod. “Good. Good. I’ll want to have Diane do a complete blood work up. Need to keep an eye on you and the young.” He made the comment more as if he was making a note to himself than as if he were speaking to her or anyone else in the room.
“Have you shifted yet?” he asked Tah.
Tah crossed his arms over his chest and glared.
“Well, have you?” Professor Mueller asked again. It didn’t matter that he was under six feet tall and Tah towered over him. Professor Mueller was rarely intimidated by anything. His curiosity just seemed to take over and have him charging into anything.
“No,” Tah finally answered.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Though I’m glad I’m here to see the first time. I’m so envious of you young bucks. What I wouldn’t give to trade places with you.” He stepped closer to Tah and started poking at him. “So what’s going on?” He reached up and pulled Tah’s lip down displaying his elongated canines. “Nice. Nice,” he murmured absently as he used a finger to poke at them.
Tah moved back, a grumble of annoyance passing his lips as he growled at the Professor.
Professor Mueller just laughed. “Can’t blame me for wanting to see for myself. Need to do a more thorough work up on you too.”
“Where are your glasses, Abby?” As absent-minded as he often appeared, leave it to Professor Mueller to be the one to call her out on not wearing her glasses.
“I don’t need them anymore.”
“Contacts? I never thought you’d get them.”
She shook her head. “Since Tah and I have been together, my vision is better. I don’t need them anymore.”
“Damn, that’s some powerful semen you have there. We’ll need to get you to fill a few cups with it. Run some tests on it.”
Tah growled again.
“Easy there. You can have Abby help you get it. No saliva mixed in though, Abby,” he told her, making her blush bright red.
“Dad, you’re embarrassing Abby,” Jess informed him as she moved over to them.
“Oh.” He glanced at Abby and blinked as if bringing her into focus. “I’m sorry, dear. I’m just so excited. You’ve found your lion!” The Professor practically bounced with excitement. “And Jess has her wolves. I’ve never been so happy. Not since Jess was born and they placed her in my arms.”
His eyes grew a little misty as he wrapped his arm around Jess and tugged her close to his side. “So much to learn.” He glanced at Jess. “I’ll have to stay here for a while now. Abby and her mate need me more than you and your mate
s do. I’ll stay and help Diane until we have a better idea. We need someone like Cody, someone who knows about the shifting process, but we’ll just have to wait for this one to get a move on and shift.”
Professor Mueller glanced at Tah who still stood there glaring.
“You’re not getting my semen.”
“Not like you’ll miss it,” Professor Mueller argued. “Besides, don’t you want to find out why Abby’s changing as well?”
Tah flushed. “I think that has more to do with my saliva than my semen.”
“Saliva?” Professor Mueller was eyeing Tah’s mouth once more and showed every sign of stepping forward and pulling at Tah’s lips again.
“I think it’s more about where he bit me,” Abby interrupted, distracting him like she’d hoped.
“He bit you?” Logan asked. “Damn, Tah.”
Abby turned and tugged her T-shirt aside to reveal the bite mark Tah had placed on her skin. She glanced up in time to see Professor Mueller reaching a hand out to touch it when Tah stepped between them with a low roar.
“You will not touch it.”
“Now listen here, boy,” Professor Mueller started to argue when Tah threw his head back and let out a primal roar that brought all three of the wolves in the room to their feet, growls spilling from their lips. “Interesting,” the Professor murmured, obviously taking mental notes again.
“Tah.” She turned, moving against his chest and cuddling close. His arms wrapped around her, tugging her closer as he held her.
“I don’t want anyone touching you there. I can’t explain it, but I can’t allow it.”
“The lion’s mark on her. Your beast isn’t as secure yet. Must be afraid I’ll do something to try and remove it,” the Professor said. “I won’t, by the way. Looking at it, I doubt it will ever leave her skin. But you’re going to have to pull it together, young man. According to Jess, you have a baby on the way, and we need answers before that little one gets here. So you need to go outside and figure out how to shift. Embrace your inner kitty and get it done. I need those samples, and I need them now.” He was mumbling to himself as he left the room.