Waking the Beast Read online

Page 11

  His fingers sifted through her hair, gripping her scalp and holding her close as his hips began to move. God, he was hot, so hot, and she was suddenly ravenous for the taste of him.

  “Abby.” Her name was a purr of pleasure this time. “You feel so good, baby. Suck my cock. Just like that, baby. Oh, yeah, use that tongue right there.”

  She flicked her tongue under the head, finding the notch and tapping before swirling around the head again. She was squeezing his shaft now, squeezing and rotating her hand as she worked up and down. Tah was thrusting into her, fucking her mouth as he moaned.

  She tried to pull back enough to notice a few things. His cock wasn’t changing physically while she used her mouth on him. What she felt when he was buried in her pussy only seemed to happen while he was there. Which made her believe the protrusions might have something to do with trying to stimulate her body into ovulating, just as the penile barbs did in the lion. When she was ovulating, would Tah’s penis become painful upon withdrawal just as a lion’s was?

  “Abby, baby, I’m going to come,” Tah growled above her.

  She sucked harder, her lips tightening as her hand pumped a bit faster up and down. His grip tightened, and she felt the tug at her scalp as her hair was pulled. She moaned around him, enjoying the pleasure/pain sensations it gave her.

  He throttled back his roar as the first jet of his semen hit the roof of her mouth. She swallowed and used her tongue to rub the sensitive notch as he gave her more of his seed. His taste was unbelievable. Salty with a hint of something sweet. She couldn’t quite place her finger on what it reminded her off, but it was there in the back of her mind. Whatever it was, she craved it, couldn’t get enough of it.

  He pulled back from her mouth, and she wasn’t surprised to see his cock still rock hard.

  “Push your pants down,” he ordered. “Turn around on your hands and knees.”

  She complied quickly, just as eager to feel him inside as he was to be there. What was happening to them? She should be sore, unable to keep going, to keep taking him. But she wasn’t. Hell, just a look from him and she was wet and ready to be mounted. And that’s exactly what he’d been doing today. Mounting her. Again and again and again.

  “Hurry,” she urged, and her pussy clenched when he growled behind her.

  His cock lodged at her opening. His hands gripped her hips, lifting her just a bit as he slammed deep. Her cry challenged his purr as he began fucking her. Nothing had ever felt so good in her life. The ground should be uncomfortable, at the least, even with her jeans bunched under her knees. But it wasn’t even a consideration. All she felt was him. Around her. Inside her. Part of her.

  “Harder!” she demanded, rocking her hips back into his every thrust. “Take me harder.”

  He growled behind her as he shifted his body, coming over her. One hand slid under her, sliding over her belly and down to the slick folds of her cunt. He found her clit and rubbed against it before he used his thumb and index finger to pinch and tug on it.

  She screamed again, her body tightening like a rubber band as her orgasm hovered just out of reach.

  “Tah!” she cried his name out, as he rode her hard and fast. Those bumps were back and bigger than ever. Each thrust rubbed her walls, setting her nerve endings screaming with pleasure. It felt…amazing, incredible, better than anything in the world. Nothing could compare to having Tah inside her.

  He lowered his head to her neck, and she lifted a hand to jerk her hair out of the way, leaning to the side so he could taste where she wanted him to. The first touch of his tongue over the bite mark had lava flowing in her veins. Her pussy rippled around his cock, and her stomach clenched tightly.

  He licked again and she could feel that invisible band tightening further, pressing her closer and closer to orgasm.

  “Bite me.” She growled the words at him, demanding what she knew her body was waiting for.

  With a roar, he struck, his teeth sinking in as his mouth latched onto her skin and sucked. She felt his cock swell even bigger. Her hands clawed at the ground as she slammed into her orgasm. It didn’t just wash over her, it consumed her, throwing her so high, so fast, she didn’t know if she’d ever come down again.

  His cock jerked inside her as he filled her with blast after blast of semen. His teeth slipped from her skin, and he licked over the permanent wound there.

  “Mine,” he whispered it over and over again, as he continued to jerk inside her. He was ejaculating more now than he had the first time he took her. So many changes, so quickly.

  He kissed her mark once more before tugging his cock from her body. She knew without looking he was still hard. She could feel it as he eased out of her pussy.

  “Tah?” She glanced back at him over her shoulder and knew he could see the worry in her gaze.

  “I’m fine, Abby,” he promised as he tucked his rigid flesh back inside the jeans he’d already managed to tug back up. “Are you okay, baby?”

  She could see the fear in his eyes and knew it was for her.

  “I’m boneless with pleasure,” she teased him.

  He smiled down at her, helping her as she struggled to stand and pull her panties and jeans back into place. Once she was finished, he scooped her up and held her high against his chest, cradling her against him. She snuggled closer and swore she’d be purring if she could. She wrapped one hand around his neck, playing in the strands that touched his neck. The once rich brown was now streaked with shades of red and blond.

  She kissed his jaw softly, and he glanced down to smile at her as he walked them back to where Reno and Logan were waiting.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” She casually let her hand rub over the back of his neck. He was more than just warm. How had she not noticed sooner? His skin was hot to the touch, and she’d bet anything he was running a temperature.

  “I’m fine,” he assured her again. “I’m sorry. I just can’t seem to be able to keep my hands off of you. I want you constantly, and I get to the point where I can’t fight the need anymore.”

  “It’s not a hardship to be wanted by you,” she said with a laugh, trying to ease the tension she could feel in him. “How close did Reno say we were to the turn-off?”

  “About sixty miles, maybe a little closer now.”

  “We’ll have to park and hike a bit when we get there. I’ve only been there once. It’s remote and not easy to find. Professor Mueller is paranoid.” She closed her eyes and felt Tah’s arms tighten around her at the wash of pain she felt. “Was paranoid.”

  “I’m glad he was paranoid,” Tah said. “I’m feeling that way myself lately.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s like the hair on the back of my neck is standing on end constantly. I swear I can feel eyes on me, but I can’t find them. And trust me, my senses are so good right now I should be able to find them.”

  She did trust him. If her senses were expanding and growing, she had no idea what his were doing.

  “‘Bout fucking time,” Reno muttered as they came within sight of the truck.

  Tah growled and she wondered if Reno realized they could hear him. The way his eyes narrowed made her think he might, which just brought up all kinds of questions about Reno. There was just something about him she couldn’t put her finger on. But she trusted him. Mostly because Tah did, but still.

  “I think I know where we are,” Abby said as she looked around. It wasn’t easy for her to give directions while lying in the backseat, so she had to trust them to follow her guidance without checking on them. “There’s a mom and pop store just up the highway, where we can stop and get some supplies.”

  “You don’t think this cabin will be stocked?” Logan was the one who voiced the question as he stood up from his reclined position against the hood of the truck.

  “It’s not really a cabin like you might picture,” she offered.

  “What is it?” Tah asked.

  “Well, it’s big, re
ally big. Like a huge house set in the middle of nowhere. I have no idea how many bedrooms are even there, but the downstairs alone has five.”

  “Downstairs?” Reno prompted.

  “There are four floors to it,” Abby said.

  “What the hell was the Professor preparing for?” Reno asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Abby offered with a shrug. “I’ve only been there once, and I didn’t see the whole place while I was there.”

  “Well, either way, let’s get going,” Reno stated. “Logan and I are going to switch out.”

  “What’s up?” Tah asked immediately as he opened the truck door and sat Abby in the passenger seat where he normally sat.

  Reno shook his head. “I don’t know, but something has me damn twitchy, like I can feel eyes on the back of my head, but I can’t track ‘em.”

  Abby glanced at Reno. He felt it too?

  “What’s the plan?” Tah asked as he turned his back, letting his hips rest against the seat between her thighs. She leaned into his back, and he seemed to settle at her touch.

  “I’ve been looking over the map while you were gone. There’s another turn off about fifteen miles past the one Abby said we should take. If I take it, I can come in from the opposite side. Should give me a chance to see if those eyes have wheels and if they’re following the bike or the truck.”

  Tah nodded.

  Reno glanced at him as if deciding something before he finally spoke. “I think Abby should be in the front seat with you.” He held his hand up when a growl rumbled up in Tah’s chest. “Hear me out. If we have a tail, they know she’s with us anyway, especially with all the stops today. They already know she’s not on the bike. That only leaves the truck.”

  “I won’t let them take her.” Tah was shaking with anger, and Abby did her best to rub against him, trying to soothe him.

  “None of us will let them take her, buddy,” Logan promised. “Reno looks most like you. If he takes the bike, maybe they’ll think we made them. They might believe you’re going off on your own, while we guard Abby. It will let us know who they’re really after.”

  “You can’t let Reno go off on his own. What if they get him?” So much for soothing Tah, Abby thought as she began shaking.

  “I’ll be fine,” Reno promised. “I know they’re out there.”

  “If they think you’re Tah, they’ll know you’re aware of them.”

  Reno smiled. “I’ll lead them on a merry chase before circling back to join you guys.”


  “He’s right, Abby. It’s a good way of seeing who’s following and who they really want.”

  “I don’t like this,” she huffed.

  “I’m touched you care,” Reno stated with a grin that had Tah growling again. It surprised her when Reno just laughed.

  “I care because I know how much you mean to Tah,” she said.

  Reno sobered. “Take care of him.”

  She knew what he was saying, even if no one else wanted to admit it. If something happened to Reno, he was trusting her to watch over and look after Tah. She nodded. She would give her life to save Tah. More importantly, she would kill to save him.

  Reno looked at her as if he knew just what she was thinking. It was a little disconcerting. But she chalked it up to her changing senses and the way they were throwing her off balance.

  “See you tonight,” Tah said, as Reno pushed off from the truck and headed toward the bike. “And there better not be a single fucking scratch on my bike.”

  Reno threw his head back and laughed as he straddled the motorcycle and started it.

  Logan shook his head. “Let’s get in and get going,” he said as he walked around to the driver’s side and slid behind the wheel.

  Tah shifted, and Abby slid over to give him space to get it. As soon as he was in, she was firmly tucked against his side, his arm around her, holding her close.

  She snuggled in, feeling the heat pouring off of him. She was more worried about that than anyone stupid enough to follow them. They weren’t alone and unaware anymore. It wouldn’t be so easy to take them now that they were alerted that the threat existed. No, what she was worried about was Tah and the way his body was reacting to the changes taking place inside him. She prayed Jess would be there, when they arrived, and would be able to help them come up with some answers.

  Chapter Ten

  From the journal of Abby Lane

  I forced myself to stay home today. I didn’t want to take the chance of returning to the bar and finding out Utah was still gone. I have to break this hold I’ve invented between us. There is no “us”. There is only Utah, and standing alone on the other side of the room is me. I should know better. Essentially I’ve spent my whole life alone, or at least on the outside looking in.

  My parents loved me, but I remember all the times I spent watching them. The way they loved each other, there were times when I really think they forgot I was there. I want a love like that some day. I want to know when my husband looks at me, I am all he can see, all he desires in the entire world. Foolish dreams.

  My grandmother tried to help me when I went home with her from the hospital. But even I knew I wasn’t the same. The laughing, carefree girl disappeared the day my parents died, and I can’t seem to want to bring her back. I did my best to behave and be the good girl my grandmother was always telling everyone I was.

  I studied and learned, excelling and easily taking the top spot in my class. I didn’t join any clubs or after school activities. Instead, I used the excuse that my grandmother needed me to help her. I’ve lost track of the lies and reasons I told her as to why I came straight home. I’d tell her I had too much homework, but it wasn’t school that kept me in my room all those nights researching.

  It was a love that even death couldn’t shake. A love for lions and the legend of the paka watu. I knew my grandmother was afraid for me, and sometimes I wondered if she was afraid of me. She taught me things, about hiding and fighting. She signed me up for a self-defense course and encouraged me to learn how to shoot a gun.

  I’m not sure what she feared, or even if that fear was founded. At times she was the sanest woman I knew. And sometimes, she made little sense at all. The only thing I’m sure of anymore is that she loved me. She loved me, and all I could do was think of my parents and hope loving me didn't kill my grandmother too. They said it was a heart attack that took her from me, but sometimes I question that.

  * * * *

  “This is as far as we go,” Logan said as he pulled the truck to a stop along the dirt path Abby had pointed out.

  “We’ll do our best to camouflage it,” Tah said. “How far is the hike from here?”

  “About three miles if I remember correctly. I was with Jess last time I was here.”

  “Good grief. Was the Professor preparing for the end of the world?” Logan asked.

  Tah growled and Abby realized he was picking up on her sadness. She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not sure what he was preparing for.”

  “I’m sorry, Abby,” Logan offered with sincerity.

  She nodded as she let Tah tug her out of the truck after him.

  “Are you okay?” she asked immediately.

  He grinned, but she could see the flush of the heat riding his skin and her worry only increased as he nodded. “I’m fine. I think I might be able to keep from pawing all over you until we reach the cabin.”

  Logan laughed as he went around the back to start unloading the few supplies they’d picked up. But Abby could see the control Tah was exerting just to hold himself together.

  “I’m here whenever you need me,” she whispered softly to him. “Any time. Any place.”

  He nodded his head and gave her hand a squeeze before he began looking around. “I’ll grab some downed limbs and stuff to see if we can at least make the truck look like it’s been here for a bit. I won’t go far,” he promised. “Stay close to Logan.”

  Abby nodded as she watched him move away.r />
  Logan was pulling supplies out and stacking them on the ground. He was opening backpacks and packing them with the things they’d bought.

  “Can I help?”

  He glanced up with a smile and went back to packing. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to help carry stuff. I only brought three packs, but with Reno coming in later, it would help if you took one.”

  “I can carry a backpack, Logan. I usually don’t go anywhere without mine.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I remember you always lugging it into the bar with you.” He sighed as he stood and shuffled from foot to foot while he looked around.

  “Just spit it out,” she finally prompted, but she wasn’t prepared for the anger she saw in Logan’s eyes when he looked at her.

  “What happened to him, Abby? What did you do? He was at work fine one night, and then he didn’t show up the next day or the next. Then Reno gets a call that Tah’s on the run and needs help. Tah. On the run. Never thought I’d see the day. Everyone loves Tah. Everyone. Then we show up, and he’s practically jumping out of his skin, making animal sounds that scare the piss out of me and acting like the most possessive man I’ve ever met. Tah’s never been possessive of women. He takes what they offer and moves on. He’s restless that way. I’ve never seen him act the way he does when he’s with you.” He stopped and shook his head, and Abby realized some of the hurt she was feeling at his words must be showing on her face. “I’m sorry. I’m not knocking how he is with you. I want him happy, and you seem to make him happy. I’m just trying to understand what the hell is going on here.”

  “I love him,” she whispered, feeling suffocated by the guilt weighing her down like a blanket.

  “I know you do, Abby,” he said with a sigh and the anger dimmed in his eyes. “It’s the only reason I’m not pushing him when it comes to you. I can see how much you love him. I can see the worry and the fear for him on your face. And I know that losing you would kill him.”