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War King's Bride

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  War King’s Bride



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thank You!

  About the Author

  War King’s Bride

  By Lacey Thorn

  War King’s Bride


  Lacey Thorn

  War King Geoffrey Lyons can’t get the woman he caught on his land out of his mind. He’s searched, but she’s nowhere to be found. When a call for help comes from an unlikely place, he knows it’s her. To save her, he’ll make her his bride, and in claiming her, make her a queen.


  © 2022, Lacey Thorn

  War King’s Bride

  Cover Art by Original Syn

  Edited by Michele Paulin

  Electronic Format ISBN: 978-1-949795-80-6

  Published by: Lacey Thorn Publishing

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.


  For everyone who likes to escape into a good story. This is for you!

  Chapter One

  Geoffrey Lyons gave the man before him a hard glare before turning to his second. Duncan, the bastard, snorted a laugh, making no attempt to hide his amusement.

  “Look, Lyons—”

  Duncan moved then, wrapping one fist around the man’s throat and cutting off his words as the messenger squeaked with surprise.

  “That’s King Geoffrey to you. You come here, before our king, and ask for his strength for your liege lord, and you do so with utter disrespect for the man you’re begging from.”

  Unease flashed in the other man’s gaze but was quickly dispersed as Geoffrey watched Duncan further tighten his grip before shoving the man to his knees.

  “Grovel,” he ordered.

  Geoffrey ignored the display of strength from both his second as well as his other warriors, who held back the rest of the soldiers who’d traveled with the pissant of a messenger. If he were the best representation of the man seeking aid, then Geoffrey would be hard pressed to even consider it. Arrogance oozed from them all, as if they were the superior ones in this scenario.

  “Do you realize where you stand?” Geoffrey asked quietly.

  No one answered. The soldiers were leery of his warriors while the man on his knees was still red-faced, gasping, as he tried to suck air into his starved lungs.

  “You’re in the Dread Lands. Your lord is no one here. This is my kingdom. One I rule with fist and sword. You stand…” He paused, letting his gaze sweep over the man kneeling before him. “Before a king and a warrior. These swords are not decoration to make myself appear more than I am. They’ve dripped with the blood of those who thought to take what is mine. Don’t think for a second I won’t spill yours, if that’s my choice.”

  One soldier stepped forward, empty hands held up in front of his shoulders.

  “I apologize on behalf of us all, your highness. Randall forgets his place at times. He’s our lord’s younger brother. A fact he likes to remind the rest of us of often. He’s also an illegitimate younger brother without the power to back his boasting.”

  “What’s your name?” Geoffrey asked.

  “I’m Titus, your highness. Loyal to Lord Armstrong and desperate for your aid in defending his home and family.”

  “Why not go to your king for aid, if you need it?”

  Geoffrey watched closely for any sign the other man was preparing to lie, but other than a disgusted exhale of air, there was no hesitation in Titus’ reply.

  “Our lady fears the king’s role in what is happening at Armstrong Keep. I know you have no cause to believe my words, but know that by even voicing such a thing aloud, I could be convicted of treason and killed on sight by the king’s men.”

  Titus wasn’t lying.

  “Why would your lady fear King Phillip? What of your lord?” Duncan demanded.

  “Lord John left on a hunt with several of our men and hasn’t returned. That was over a fortnight ago. No messenger. No sign of where he went or why he hasn’t returned. In his absence, we’ve had several attempted raids on our lands and attacks on the keep. We’ve held them off so far, but I fear what might have happened in our absence.”

  “And your lady believes King Phillip has done something with your lord? That he’s behind the attacks?” Geoffrey questioned.

  Duncan snorted another laugh. “I doubt he’d be behind it, but your lady is most likely correct in thinking he’ll do nothing to stop it. If your lord is dead or missing, he’ll want another in place quickly, who gives full loyalty to him.”

  “None of this explains why you came here for help,” Geoffrey stated. “There must be other keeps close to you that could offer aid.”

  Titus’ gaze hardened. “The closest keep, other than your castle, belongs to Lord Baldry. He’ll do nothing to help, unless my lady agrees to marry him, which will never happen.”

  Geoffrey shared a look with Duncan.

  “Why would this Baldry try to force Armstrong’s wife to marry him if she’s already married?” Duncan asked.

  “You misunderstand. Our lady is the younger Lady Armstrong, Lady Serena. The Lady Evie is too distraught to even leave her chambers with her husband missing. Lady Serena has overseen everything in her father’s absence. She’s the one who sent us here to beg assistance from you.”

  Geoffrey stared at Titus, his heart kicking up as he recalled the gorgeous vision he’d found then lost while riding through his lands. Long blonde hair and a laugh that fired a man’s blood and had him craving carnal pleasures with an intensity that was debilitating on horseback.

  He’d happened upon her as she was dusting her bottom with a grumble.

  “Need help?” he’d offered, admiring the lush curves revealed by the tight pants she wore. They left little to his imagination, and he definitely wanted to get his hands on them. She had to be a local village girl.

  “No, thank you,” she replied with a grin as she swung herself astride the large beast she rode. A warrior’s horse. He couldn’t fit the woman with the stead, though the horse seemed at ease with her. Some of her hair had come loose from the long braid that lay along her spine, and it hid her so her gaze played peek-a-boo between the blonde waves. He could still tell she was a beauty.

  “Perhaps, I should escort you back to your home,” he offered, unwilling to let her leave before he knew her name.

  She pushed her fingers through the hair covering her face, and he made out the grin on her lips. Beautiful. He’d wanted to feel those lips against his skin.

  “For some reason, I don’t think that’d be a good idea.”

  “I’m afraid I must insist. What type of king would I be if I left you to find your way home, alone and unprotected?”

  She’d sat up straighter. “King Geoffrey.”

  His name had been a whisper from her lips, and he’d felt it like the slow glide of soft fingers along his spine.

  “At your service.” He’d bowed from his seat in the saddle.

  “I have to go.” Another murmur. “It was lovely to meet you, but I have to go.”

  He’d seen the intent to flee and charged forward, catching her reins before she could.

  “I must insist.”

  Her head shook.

  “I have to go, and you can’t come with me.”

  “Are you in trouble?”

  If someone was hurting her, an abusive father or God forbid, a husband, Geoffrey would put an end to them quickly. She’d grinned instead.

  “I am trouble,” she’d offered with a laugh then patted his hand where he held her in place. “Now, I really need to get back.”

  “What if I say no?”

  She’d leaned in close enough he’d caught her scent.

  “I’d like to believe you’re a king with honor as well as brawn. Are you?”

  What could he do? He’d released his hold then found himself laughing as she’d put her heels to her mount and shot away from him with a laugh on her lips.

  He’d searched the whole of the Dread Lands for her and hadn’t found even a hint of her. Could it be because she wasn’t from the Dread Lands? Had she snuck through the thickly forested border that split his domain from the common lands held by King Phillip?

  “Baldry wants her?”

  “Lord Baldry would do anything to take her,” Titus informed them. “Forcing her would matter little to him.”

  “And once he takes her, he has Armstrong Keep,” Duncan stated.

  Titus nodded even as he spoke. “Make no mistake, Lady Serena is the more coveted prize. She is a lady many would love to possess, but her father has turned away every suitor at her reque

  “She’s allowed a say in her betrothal?”

  Geoffrey couldn’t hide his surprise at that. It was uncommon for a man to allow his daughter any say in the choices made for her. His mother had been controlled first by her father then by the man who’d sired Geoffrey. He’d been a vicious man with hard fists who’d cared little for who he used them on. His mother had been subjected to those firm hands too many times before Geoffrey was finally old enough to prevent further abuse. He’d borne the brunt of it then, until he’d finally grown strong enough to stop his father from ever striking out again. He’d killed his sire then burned his keep to the ground before taking his mother and a few of the soldiers who’d shown loyalty to her and Geoffrey and striking out on his own.

  He’d built a place for them in the Dread Lands. More than a castle. A home for those who’d needed one desperately. A place where women were cherished and protected. Where they had a voice that was recognized and listened to. A place where his mother would never be silenced or diminished again.

  “Lady Serena is the only child of Lord and Lady Armstrong. Her father has treated her as his heir since she came screaming into this world. Everything he has goes to his daughter upon his death. To lay claim to Lady Serena is to own everything Lord Armstrong built.”

  “Yet, you claim the lady herself is the greater prize?” Duncan’s disbelief was written all over his face.

  Titus merely turned to Geoffrey.

  “You’ve seen her, your highness. You know what I speak of is true.”

  Geoffrey came to full alert as Titus spoke, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

  “I believe she said she came across your path when she was riding. She admitted she’d crossed into the Dread Lands, a fact that gave her father nightmares for weeks. She described you perfectly, your highness. Admitted you almost caught her before she managed to get away.”

  It was her. The blonde vision who’d haunted his every waking hour and filled his dreams, as well. She’d sent soldiers to ask for his help. She’d reached out to him, trusting him, despite the fact she didn’t know him. She couldn’t possibly know anything but gossip and whispers from those who’d crossed his path for more than the mere moments she had.

  “Why?” Geoffrey demanded, not bothering to explain what he asked. He saw the understanding in the other man’s gaze.

  “Lady Serena said, if she were going to be any man’s bride, then it would be yours. She’ll have the Lyon or no other. Her words, your highness, not mine,” Titus quickly added with a glance toward Duncan.


  Geoffrey could have bitten his tongue at the asinine question. Did it matter why? He wanted her. He’d been far too focused on finding her than he should have been. Now, here she was, placing herself firmly into his grasp. Permanently, if Titus’ words were truth. She was offering herself as his bride. The thought had his cock rising thick and hard beneath his leathers.

  “Your reputation precedes you, King Geoffrey. All have heard of your love of women and the firm stand you take against any who abuse them,” Titus answered.

  “She’d base her trust on the stories of others? Stories that could be nothing more than lies,” Duncan scoffed.

  “She’d trust in the man who allowed her to escape when he could have just as easily captured her and tried to take anything he wanted from her,” Titus replied softly, gaze never leaving Geoffrey’s face. “A man of honor, she said.”

  Geoffrey saw Duncan’s mouth open and held up his hand to stay whatever word would have spilled forth.

  “Enough,” Geoffrey commanded. “The lady asks for aid, and we’ll give it.”

  “Thank you, your highness.”

  Titus bowed low, the others all following his lead, except for Randall, who looked put out at Geoffrey’s decision. The illegitimate, younger brother of Lord Armstrong would be one to keep an eye on. It wouldn’t surprise Geoffrey if the man knew more than he was saying.

  “Titus, take your men and see to preparing them for the trip back to your lady’s keep. We’ll leave within the hour.”

  “My men,” Randall yelled. “I’m leading this quest. That boy is nothing but a soldier.”

  Duncan was in the little man’s face in an instant.

  “Soldiers are the ones who keep you alive. Though, I do question their common sense in protecting someone as weak and repulsive as you are.”

  Randall opened his mouth, and Duncan took him by the throat, lifting him off his feet and giving him a firm shake. Geoffrey almost laughed at the high-pitched scream that rose from Randall’s lips. He was certain he heard titters of laughter discreetly disguised behind coughs from the soldiers Randall had belittled.

  “Open your mouth in my presence again, and I’ll remove your tongue,” Duncan warned, pulling his dagger from the sheath at his hip.

  He dropped Randall, and no one stepped forward to offer a hand as the man crumpled to the stone floor, one hand braced against the hard surface while he once again panted for breath. The man wasn’t very smart, but Geoffrey couldn’t shake the feeling he would be one to keep an eye on. He might not be bright enough to instigate a plan against his brother, but he appeared more than stupid enough to follow the orders of another, who coveted what belonged to Lord Armstrong.

  Geoffrey turned and headed out of the meeting hall toward the kitchens at the back of the castle, where he knew his mother would be. The woman loved nothing more than to cook. Thankfully, she and the cook had taken to one another instantly, and the whole castle reaped the rewards of the passion the two women had for food.


  “Mmm,” she murmured, turning with a spoon in hand, lifting it toward his mouth. “Taste this, and tell me what you think.”

  She had the spoon in his mouth before he could even speak. He immediately jerked back as the hot liquid burned his tongue, forcefully swallowing, despite the scalding heat that coated his throat.

  “Damn, woman! Are you trying to kill me?”

  She blinked a few times then stared at the spoon while he reached for the jug of water and tipped it toward his mouth, gulping it down in a failed attempt to soothe his scorched mouth and throat. She dipped her finger into the mixture she’d scooped into his mouth then winced as she immediately brought her finger to her lips and sucked on it.

  “I didn’t realize it was still so hot,” she apologized. “Are you okay, son?”

  He nodded, refusing to stop drinking yet.

  “What did you make, Lady Wini?” Duncan asked, and Geoffrey noticed he kept his distance in case she wanted to give him a taste also. Bastard.

  “Boiled fruit with a tiny bit of sugar mixed in. It will be delicious served over some fresh biscuits. Like a dessert. We’ll serve it with dinner this evening,” Geoffrey’s mother stated excitedly. “I promise you’ll love the taste when it’s not so hot. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Geoffrey tried to assure her, though his tongue still burnt like the fires of hell. “But I won’t be here for dinner. We’ve had soldiers arrive with a request for help. We’ll be leaving within the hour to offer aid.”

  His mother stared at him for a long moment, so long that Geoffrey almost wiggled in place as he had when he’d been a boy and she’d looked at him as though she could see his every thought.

  “This has something to do with that woman you’ve been searching for,” she stated.

  He nodded. He had no idea what was in his expression to lead her to that conclusion, but he wouldn’t lie to her.

  “Will you be bringing her back with you?”

  “I will,” he vowed.

  Her smile lit her entire face. “You’ll be bringing home a bride. I’ll call for the priest and have everything ready.”

  Sometimes, it amazed him just how well his mother knew him. It shouldn’t, though. He was the man she’d raised him to be. The man she’d needed her entire life. She hadn’t been born to a good man. She definitely hadn’t married one. Instead she’d raised him to be what she said every woman wished for. A man brave enough, strong enough, confident enough, to allow a woman to have a voice and to listen to it.

  He hoped he could be that man for Lady Serena Armstrong, because this time, he wouldn’t allow her to get away. This time, he fully intended to capture her and claim her the way he’d wanted to the first time he saw her. Hopefully, she’d meant her words, because they were about to become truth. As of the moment Titus had stated her vow that she’d have the Lyon and no other for husband, Geoffrey had accepted her as his bride. A war king’s bride. The Bride of the Lyon.